Tou-can play at that game.

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I knew which episode was next in line for me to experience a week before it started because Kuzco wouldn't shut up about the goddamn Kuzcoteque. I'm not exaggerating either, it's like it was the only thing bouncing around that mostly empty head of his, and he just had to share with anyone who would listen. Apparently, I look like someone who would listen.

Surprisingly though, he somehow woke up before me, to wake me up to tell me that- "It's tonight. The Kuzcoteque is tonight." He borderline screeched in my face as soon as my eyes fluttered open.

I groaned and put my pillow over my face, "Okay? And you woke me up, because?" I mumbled angrily.

"Because..." He paused, "Oh, I guess I don't have a reason. Oh well, you needed to wake up anyway. Feel free to thank me."

I picked my pillow up off my face and considered chucking it at him, but I imagined if I did I probably wouldn't get it back, and I loved this pillow so...

I sat up, swinging my legs off the couch. "At least tell me what time it is."

"Oh, it's," He looked down at his sundial watch thingy, "Five in the morning."

"Why? Why did you wake me up? Why are you awake? What is wrong with you?" I whined, rubbing my eyes.

"I thought you'd be excited about the Kuzcoteque, are you one of those weirdos who don't like fun?" Kuzco asked me, his voice practically dripping with sarcasm.

"I believe we have different definitions of fun..." I stretched and got to my feet, "What's so great about this Kuzcoteque anyway?"

He gasped in genuine shock, "Other than it being a party named after the greatest person ever, me, it's a party? Parties are always great."

My mind instantly flashed back to the horror that was primary school discos, being forced to partake in the cha-cha slide and the conga, and how I started to run out of the hall at full speed the moment I heard the first few seconds of either song to hide in the toilets until it was over. The times I'd failed and a teacher had stopped me and I was subjected to having someone grab my shoulders with the might of a thousand suns to trail around the hall while conga music blasted in the background.

"No, No they aren't..." I shook my head.

"You're weird." Kuzco responded. While I was reliving my repressed disco memories, he'd moved into the kitchen and was now making a mess... I mean, something to eat.

"Yeah, well, so are you. I mean, how on earth do you manage to get a piece of cheese stuck to the ceiling while making a sandwich?" I pointed at the slice of cheese that was fusing with the ceiling.

"That was already up there when I got here." He responded.

I rolled my eyes, "Okay sure... God you're worse than my sister..." I climbed up on the table to try and scrape the cheese from the ceiling before Pacha came down to start his day.

"Oh really? And what is so bad about your sister?" Kuzco asked. Any time I'd mention my family he would ask questions, At first I thought it was because he still doubted me, but now I think he's just genuinely intrigued.

"We were helping out in the kitchen once, making cookies or something, and she somehow managed to knock the bowl of batter onto the floor, as well as the bag of flour." I went on the tips of my toes to reach the ceiling, making a small sound of unease as I struggled to balance myself, "Then, she had the nerve to blame it on me. Fake crying and everything when I said it was her, so obviously everyone believed the crying younger sister over me. Then I had to clean it all up... I wasn't even allowed to have any of the cookies either..."

"My vibes aren't the same as your groove!"-The Emperors new groove/school oc ficWhere stories live. Discover now