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i felt sting on my feet. yangyang picked up the broken glass that was stuck in my feet and renjun helped me by allowing me to hold unto him. his presence helped compared to anyone who's just here watching us like mark, johnny, jaehyun and taeil. all they did was squirm when a glass is picked out from my feet.

❝that looks so... deep. what did you even think of when you jumped from that window?❞ johnny spoke with a bit of concern and a lot of madness.

i just let him be. because i agree with him. i was just too desperate to get out of this place that i broke the window using a fire extinguisher and jumped to the tree in front of it, then fell on my feet.

i wouldn't try that again.

❝you're not going away, haechan. that's it.❞

❝you just don't want to let me go at all.❞ i mutter to myself.

they couldn't even tell me what this shit is all about. i can't celebrate my own birthday peacefully and i can't go out at all. i'm locked in this... palace.

i realized that no matter how big the house is, it'll never feel like hone without the people you love. that's a big realization for a kid my age. and i'm not even a kid anymore, i'm eighteen.

i saw mark pulled the two tall men away. i continue to fight for myself and shout when i have to. i indeed have a lot of scars in my feet.

we still have to inject you with ani-tetanus. you've already dealt with a lot, you wouldn't want to deal with more.❞ renjun said.

i nodded at him. he opened the other box of kits then injected me something. it doesn't hurt but i could feel it. before i knew it, it was already done.

❝is it true that it's your birthday today?" taeil asked kindly.

i nodded at him and replied, ❝i like birthdays. that's why i decided i had to leave because i don't want to be stuck in here when i should be eating kimchichiggae.❞

❝is that your favourite food?❞ yangyang asked. i nodded again.

they guided me to walk, but i can only do that with one so yangyang had to bring me up on one side.

it hurts so much.

see? it's getting worse the more that i stay here.

they brought me to another room. i heard mark order them to keep me in one with no windows, so they chose renjun's room.

are we sharing rooms?❞ i ask shyly renjun.

just like mark he's quite a snob. he just nodded and led me to one spare bed. it's just as big as i had earlier but this one has more things. i wouldn't feel so empty if i stay here.

❝how old are you, renjun?❞

he sternly said, ❝i'm nineteen.❞

❝oh, okay.❞ i figured out he doesn't like anymore talks when it doesn't have to do something with medical fields and such.

but he's just as young as me, huh?

i just rolled on the bed and kept quiet, like i always had to do whenever i'm here. i feel empty and i miss my family back there so much. also i don't even know the exact location of where i am.

look, i know you're just too lost right now but believe me, you'd want to stay here and get out of trouble.❞ he said and sat on his bed.

❝what kind of trouble am i getting in to? was i in trouble back then? why would you say that? should i be grounded here for many years?❞ i curiously asked.

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