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dedicated to @MONEYBUYBOOKS who lost her battle against cancer. Thank you for being my reader. Rest in peace, sweet angel.

-• to see you again •-

Yuvraaj Singh Chauhan

"She's coming to the hospital to see you."

The words render me incapable of a rational response. "What?"

"She's coming to the hospital." He repeats.

"Why?" I whisper.

"What do you mean why?" He sounds frustrated. "You unethically acquired the deal we were initially supposed to sign. She's pissed. Deal with her. And you're also going to pay her half the penalty amount. We didn't sign any papers but I trust word of mouth and I'm not about to let people spread any misinformation of me being an unprofessional, egoistic, pretentious businessman. Make sure she gives you her word that her people won't talk ill about me." He hangs up on my face.

I put the phone away. His concern is valid. I didn't expect to be the one dealing with it though. I don't want to talk to that woman, especially now, in a setting where I'm stuck to bed in these boring hospital outfits of outdated fashion. I haven't showered since yesterday. I can't meet the woman looking like this, looking nothing like the Yuvraaj Singh Chauhan is supposed to. I've an image to uphold.

"Zoya!?" I call out to see whether the woman is outside. Chances are low. I pressured her into taking care of my schedule at the office. "Zoya?"

The door opens and one of my guards peek inside. "She's at the headquarters, your majesty."

I sigh in defeat. "You come in." I beckon him inside. He speaks to his partner at the door before heeding to my words. "There's a bag inside that cupboard," I point to his right "get me that." As he follows my instructions, I blow a breath in my palm to check if my mouth stinks. It doesn't. I brushed this morning but I also ate lunch just an hour ago. You can't be too sure about your hygiene.

He brings over the blue bag and I sit up, folding my legs before I unzip it and take out the necessary things.

A handheld mirror, comb, toner, cleanser, and moisturizer. I tell him to put the bag away and proceed to clean my face. He helps me towards the bathroom to wash my face, then holds up the mirror as I apply moisturizer and brush a comb through my dark hair. "Do you have a chapstick?" I look up at him.

He blinks at me, looking stunned.


He hurriedly shakes his head.

Sighing exasperatedly, I rub a finger over my lips to get rid of the dead skin before licking them so they look shiny and red. "Get me a book from the shelf." I command him.

"Which- Which one?" He asks.

"Any. Does matter. Just bring it."

He turns around and grabs a random book from the shelf. "Here you go, your majesty."

I take the book from him, dismiss him with a wave of my hand and lean back on the reclining bed with the book opened in my hands. "Listen," I stop him before he can step outside the room. He stands still to hear me further. "If a woman dressed in white comes to visit me, let her in, okay? But knock twice before opening the door." He bows his head, stepping out and closing door after him.

I breathe out softly.

Now I'm prepared to meet her.

Eventually, I start to lose my posture. I'm just too exhausted, both physically and mentally to sit in a position that's more fashionable than comfortable. But then two knocks appear and I'm almost knocked out my breathe in surprise. Fixing my posture, I wear my round glasses and open the book at a random page, clearing my throat before answering, "Come in."

Royal Vs Rebel (Royal #2: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now