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After the last night's fiasco, here to cleanse your minds

-• keeping an eye on you •-

Yuvraaj Singh Chauhan

I feel I underestimated Sara.

I assumed she'd go by the law.

Now I'm starting to think she enjoys attacking her prey on their blindside. I can be wrong. I can be wrong about this whole theory conjuring up in my head. But. I can also be right. And if there's even one percent chance of my hypothetical theory being true, I'm going all in. I'm getting to the root of this, and I'm revealing what she's planning in that pretty little head of hers.

The cops arrive after Madhav Sehgal is moved to the VIP room. He isn't awake yet. Chances are low. And even if he does wake up, it'd be of no use to the case, since he can't even move a finger on his own, let alone speak a whole word.

I watch everything unfold from the sidelines. As of now, his mother is the prime suspect, hence they don't wait for an arrest warrant and immediately transfer her to the police station. Apparently, she was in charge of his medications, including the insulin shots. And although she claimed to have no idea about this, her husband shockingly didn't believe her. He didn't even blink an eye when she was begging and sobbing at his feet, as if the woman has a history of committing such acts that she can't be trusted any longer around her own son. A very interesting sight, I must say. The family is fucked up in all matters.

The main officer talked to everyone on the scene. His wife, who managed to get a few words out of her mouth through her incessant sobbing and hiccups. Then his brother, who had no idea since he was at the office preparing for the Thailand trip. They even talked to me, asking if I suspect anyone among our professional circle who didn't get along with Mr. Sehgal very well.

"Frankly speaking, I'm not the right person to talk to in regards to these matters. I've only met Mr. Sehgal in professional settings, and people around me generally avoid showing their personal disagreements towards each other."

The man, whose name batch reads Arjun Rathod, nods in response to my reply. "But if you-" The conversation is cut short when one of his subordinates interrupts, informing that the doctor who performed Mr. Sehgal's surgery is now free to talk. Arjun hums, directing his gaze back at me. "I understand. Thank you for your co-operation. Let's stay in touch until I'm leading this case." He holds out his hand for a shake. I reciprocate, nodding curtly. "Let's go," he says, putting on his cap again and walking away along with his juniors, turning a corner at the end of the hallway.

I shove my hands in the pockets of my trousers, looking where Sara sat in the lounge room, drinking canned soda and watching television, so nonchalant. As if sensing my gaze on her, she looks at me and raises the drink in her hand like a toast, a smirk on the corner of her lips. I snort out a chuckle at the woman's attitude, shaking my head in amusement.

"Cancel the jet and go to the office. I'll follow you later." I say to my secretary before making my way towards the lounge room. Stopping at the vending machine, I buy myself a coke and settle down next to her.

She doesn't speak.

So I take the initiative.

"Did you do it?" The carbonated drink releases a fizz as soon as I pop it open.

She looks down at my hands, then at my chest, meeting my confused eyes and pressing her lips to the side, inquisitive.


"Just looking for a recording device."

I laugh and take a sip of the coke.

She smiles lopsided, confident even after being confronted so openly. Her legs cross gracefully. The slit reveals bare flesh of her thigh. I clench the frozen can tightly in my hand. "I know it's you."

Royal Vs Rebel (Royal #2: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now