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-• family dinner •-

Yuvraaj Singh Chauhan

I may not confidently say my siblings love me, but I know they fear and respect me the most. Hence, walking into the dining hall that night to the sight of my five brothers sitting obediently in their places doesn't surprise me. They're adults now, all of them in their mid twenties to early thirties, but not one of them will ever have the courage to stand in front of me and speak above a certain decibel I don't approve of.

"Good evening,"

"Good evening, Bhai," five voices greet back in an amusing synchrony, their backs straight, postures practiced, and they don't look away until I nod in acknowledgement.

Pulling myself a chair, I settle down and lean back, allowing the maid to serve me. People move quickly in my presence, but never messily. They know they have to be efficient always.

"Privacy, please," I say to the household staff. Feet shuffle and the doubles doors are pulled close. "Let's begin," I motion with my hand. Napkins spread neatly on their laps and hooked in the collars of their shirts, five hands reach for their preferred silverware.

Fifteen minutes into the dinner, Vivaan lifts his head. "Was there any significant reason why we were summoned for dinner so formally?"

I clean the corner of my lips before speaking. "Not at all." Washing down the bite with a sip of water, I put the glass down and meet his eyes. "I realised we haven't had dinner together in so many days. That's all. Why? Were you busy?"

"No, of course not. I just wanted to know if there was any other reason for it."

I shake my head. "None. We've been drifting apart from our usual protocols and etiquettes ever since Taranya got married and Ayush moved out with his girlfriend."

Agastya clears his throat, catching my attention to him. "Yes?"

"I was uhm, I was thinking if I could move out too?" He prods gently, knowing the request, even to his own ears, must have sounded ridiculous. "I just think it'll be easier." The university is forty minutes away from the palace, and he has a range of luxury cars providing him smooth rides, I don't know how that equates to not having it easy.

"Easier, you say?" He nods timidly. "Define your easy, Agastya." I put the spoon down and interlace my hands together. "What's not easy for you? The five cars starting from imported McLaren to Indian Thar in the garage, are they causing you any sort of discomfort? What's difficult about riding the luxuries that most people invest their entire savings into?"

"No, I just-"

"Are you even financially independent to afford your own housing?" I ask, shutting him up next instant.

There are so many things I can oversee and ignore, but these men taking their privileges for granted and having the audacity to find faults in them is what sets me off. After I caught him smooching a maid in the hallway, he should be thinking twice before coming to me with those bizarre requests.

"Bhai-" Vivaan speaks up, falling quiet when I raise a brow at him. He knows when to interrupt and when to sit quietly.

Arush huffs.

"Now what's wrong with you?"

He startles, not realising how loud he was being with his exasperated sigh. Our eyes meet and he swallows. "What?" I demand.

He shakes his head.

"Maybe he was going to shoot his shot after you approved Agastya's request to move out?" Yuvaan snorts. "Now that you rejected his favourite brother, he won't betray Agastya and move out alone." He shrugs.

Royal Vs Rebel (Royal #2: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now