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-• as I crumble your walls •-

"I've checked the final draft. It's good to go."

Putting the receiver down, she shows a thumbs up to her team outside. Their hopeful faces light up with happiness and they celebrate the news among each other, cheerful eyes and excited hands hopping from one person to another.

They had been working overtime the last few days. The team and she have barely gone home to do more than a shower.

With a relieved sigh, Sara grabs her coat from the hanger and puts it on, picking her purse on the way out. The elation in their bodies settle down when she steps out of her office, and they look at her with eyes of anticipation. She takes out her credit card from the wallet and nods at Shreeja to receive it. The younger woman accepts it politely. "Take a half day and treat everyone to food and drinks. Good work. Excuse me," as she steps out of the glass doors, the young employees shriek and scream, almost making her flinch with their unrelenting excitement. And to think they looked like corpses until an hour ago.

As the elevator doors fall close, Sara cracks her neck to the sides, wincing as her muscles strain and bones pop. Fishing out a compact mirror to see if she's presentable enough to go outside, a sigh escapes her witnessing her reflection in the mirror. She has dark circles and her lips are slightly chapped. She hasn't brushed her hair in two days. Her cheeks look pale. A week of working overtime and she's ready to give vampires a run for their money.

The elevator opens on the underground parking floor. Sara stuffs the compact mirror in her purse and strolls out of the metal box, pressing on her key fob when she reaches her car. The headlights blink as the car unlocks. She opens the door and slinks in, dropping her belongings on the passenger seat before closing the door from her side.

She plans to go home, take a shower, eat something homemade and take a nap until it's time for dinner. There's no other way she'd prefer to spend her day.

Her phone rings.

Sara would have ignored it if it wasn't from the person her entire plan relies on. Answering the call, she puts her car in reverse and pulls out of the parking spot. "Yes, Vaidehi?"

"I've received the results. I'm afraid to open them." Comes the response.

Sara clenches the steering. "Where are you?"

"In the cafe near the clinic."

"I'm on my way." Sara assures before hanging up.

Stopping at the red light, she flips the visor down, revealing a mirror. During the short countdown of ninety seconds, Sara releases her hair from the scunchie, gives them a volume with the help of her brush, applies chapstick and adds some colour to her cheeks. She flips it close and stuffs her things back in the purse, exhaling breath as she looks outside her window, noticing a familiar man in the car at rest next to her.

As though feeling someone's gaze on him, his attention diverts from the windshield and shifts outside the window opposite to him. Sara quickly looks ahead, glancing at the red light to check how many seconds are left.


The back of her neck burns with his intense gaze. She regrets looking at him first.


She steals a glance at him, whipping her head straight when he stares unabashed.


Her fingers flex around the wheel.


Knuckles turn white.


She stiffens when his car drives ahead, just the slightest, enough that their front seat windows face each other.

Royal Vs Rebel (Royal #2: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now