Chapter 15

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Ray and Bucky had spent the day largely in bed and lounging about the apartment, basking in the comfort they brought each other. They ate, they dozed, they kissed...they did whatever they damn well pleased - for a whole day. It was bliss.

Bucky had gone out for Chinese at dinner and called Sam to give his take on the mission he'd done with Torres. Sam told him they'd discovered more than they'd initially thought. Bucky didn't want to know the details; he didn't want to keep secrets from Ray, and she definitely couldn't be involved in this. Sam agreed, but asked Bucky for a place to crash. He'd be in town in two days. Bucky reluctantly agreed, knowing Ray was fond of Sam, and it was set. Ray had been so excited she immediately started planning dinner, claiming it would take her two days just to decide what to make. Bucky had forced her to put the cookbook away shortly before midnight to head to bed.

And that was where Bucky found himself that night when he heard it - someone was in the apartment. Bucky padded to the closet and grabbed his gun.


He turned, finding Ray rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Hey," he whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"I heard something. Stay here."


He put his finger to his lips and moved through the door. He didn't see anyone. But he'd heard something. And then - someone dressed in black hovering over Ray's files. He aimed the gun. "Freeze."

The man stopped, lifting his hands. As Bucky stepped forward, a smirk grew on the intruder's face. Something hit Bucky in the neck and he spun. Hand reaching to his neck, Bucky found a dart. Shit. Bucky's body and brain turned sluggish quickly.

Two more men through the front door - when did that get unlocked? It was happening too fast. Then two more darts. He roared in anger and fired.


He spun. And so did the room. Shit. Ray was standing in the bedroom doorway, knife in hand. "Get out of here!" Someone tackled him as his muscles turned to jelly. Ray rushed towards him, driving the knife into someone's leg. Then Ray was off the ground, an arm wrapped around her waist as another snaked around her throat. She kicked, flailed, but nothing seemed to keep them away. The fabric they wore was too thick for her powers to work.

"Ray...get out..." Black spots were creeping into Bucky's vision, and he couldn't seem to stand or move. "Let her go..."

The last thing Bucky heard was Ray's muffled voice screaming his name. And then everything went black.


Bang bang bang. "Bucky?" Bang bang. "Open up, man, come on."


Bang bang bang. "Bucky, what is taking so long? I've been knocking for like ten minutes, man. The two of you better not be naked in there!"

What is he -

Bang bang bang. "Open up or I'm breaking the door down. I've got Torres here too and we're starving."

I'm coming. Why are my eye lids so heavy? Come on, come on, open. Move, damn it!

"That's it. I'm coming in Buck."

What is wrong with me?!

Crash. "What the hell - "

Quick footsteps approaching. "Cap! Over here."


"Bucky?" A hand tapped his face. "Buck, wake up. Open your eyes." Bucky's mouth opened but no sound came out. "Torres, check the other rooms. There should be a woman, short, dark hair. Do not engage. She's a friendly."

Death Where is Your Sting? - B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now