Chapter 24

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Bucky's head was pounding. He groaned. Where - "Ray..."

Bucky sat up, taking in the cell around him. Plexiglass walls - it was like Vienna all over. He still banged on the wall, trying to break it to no avail. He looked around. This was a lab of sorts. Lots of contraptions, beakers, vials...a chair with straps.

Bucky began to panic until - bang!

Two guards entered, dragging someone behind them. They tossed the person to the ground and left. Bucky looked closer. "Ray!" Bucky shouted, banging on the walls. "Wake up, Ray. Come on. Tell me your okay." She didn't respond. He knelt, trying to get a better look. Her chest was - rising and falling. Thank God. Bucky settled in to wait for her to wake, to see if she'd gotten any help from the Power Broker.


Bucky jolted awake when the door to the room banged open. He climbed to his feet as several men entered the room. They grabbed Ray, dragging her to the chair.

"Leave her alone." They didn't even look at him. "Hey!" He banged on the wall.

They strapped her to the chair and stabbed a needle into her neck. Ray gasped, jolting awake.


"Bucky?" Her head turned, searching for him.

"I'm here, Ray."

"Silence!" One of the guards shrieked.

"Let me go. Buck? Are you okay?"

"I said silence!" He slapped Ray, leaving her surprised, cheek stinging.

"Don't you touch her!"

The man walked to Bucky's cell. "You will be silent."

Bucky stared him down, yelling to Ray in defiance. "I'm okay, Ray. You're not alone! I'm right -"

He heard electricity and Ray screamed. Bucky's eyes shot to her. Her chest was heaving, and the man beside her held a cattle prod. "You will be silent, or she will suffer."

If looks could kill, the guard would be dead. Bucky glared daggers at the man.

"It's okay, Buck. I'm not gonna - AH!" Bucky watched them prod her again. "I can handle it." She spoke through gritted teeth.

Bucky remained regretfully silent. He wouldn't be the reason they hurt her...if he could spare her some suffering, he would. He just glared at the guard.

The guard smirked. "Good choice, Soldat."

"His name's Bucky." Ray spat the words at the guards before they placed tape over her mouth, silencing her.

"Prep her."

Bucky watched as they hooked Ray to an IV, injecting unknown fluids, her fingers clenching and unclenching with nerves and fear. But when they shocked her, he had to squeeze his eyes shut, her muffled cries of pain breaking his heart, knowing all too well how much that hurt. Eventually, she fell silent, and then it was done. They left, and Bucky stared at her abdomen - rising, falling. "I'm here, Ray," he said, though he was met with silence.


Some time later, they marched in again, the same guard staring Bucky down as he approached Ray. This time, he tossed cold water on her and shouted, "What is your name?"

"Screw you." A zap.

"Who is he?" Pointing at Bucky.

"Your worst nightmare." A longer zap.

"Who do you work for?"

"No one."

"Prep her again." And he left.

Death Where is Your Sting? - B. BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now