8. Iliana

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 "Earth to Smash."

It isn't until Fire Storm literally tackles Smash, face first, into the water that the older girl snaps out of her dreamland. Wherever that is.

When the two return, soaking wet, Fire is held on Smash's back, the latter's hands holding the former's thighs. Fire runs her fingers through Smash's hair, grinning, fixing it obediently. The dark-haired girl giggles deviously before wrapping her arms about Smash's shoulders, resting her chin on the left one.

"Where'd you lose your head?" I tease, shading my eyes from the sun; the blazing orb is beginning to really drain my energy.

Setting Fire Storm down, she takes a seat on the log next to my towel, essentially blocking my sun, which I am greatful for. "I wish she'd come. I... I miss her."

"The redhead?" Fire clarifies, chucking a small rock into the water. I raise an eyebrow at her sudden change in behaviour. Less than a minute ago, she was grinning without a care in the world.

"Yeah." Smash rubs her face with wet hands, then pushes her light hair back, squinting out over the horizon. She's actually really beautiful, especially when the sun hits her just as it does. She has a subtle sort of beauty. "I wish she'd come with us," she says again, the light glinting off of her lip piercing. Her toned abs tense as she stands again, her hands slipping into the pockets of her checkered swimming shorts.

Growing uncomfortable under the sun, I turn over on my towel and reach for my dress to cover my torso with. I then sit up to pull it over my head and look up at Smash. "Wanna take me home? I'm starting to burn, and you can go see your boo."

"She's not my boo."


"What is she, then, your Cappy-Wappy?" Smash, blushing, sits on me and starts tickling me. "Hey! "S- Stop it!" I giggle, flailing at her. "Rape!" I curl into a ball, trying to escape her fingers, until she finally releases me from her torture method of choice.

"I'm going to get ice cream," Fire announces. Haze calls after her retreating figure, asking her to get one for her, too. I raise an eyebrow at my best friend's back, but shrug, figuring we'll talk tomorrow at work.

Cianna breaks the short silence that follows. "You two can go, if you want. You do look a little red," she adds to me sadly, pointing to my uncovered shoulders.

I look to Smash for her decision. The dyed-blonde nods, a small smile creeping onto her face at the thought of the redhead. Rolling my eyes, I haul myself to my feet. I shove her towards the water playfully, then pack up my things. "You'll-"

"Bring the food, yes," Cianna finishes with a bright smile. I give them each a hug before scoping out my best friend. Smash claps Haze on the back of the shoulder while I run to the little ice cream shack.

Behind her in the line, I slip my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder. She relaxes into my chest, reaching up to stroke my hair. "Hey," she says quietly, staring forward at the menu.

I place a kiss just above her ear and ask, "Everything okay?" Fire shrugs. Her head rests against mine, and she sighs.

"I guess."

"You want to talk about it?"

We both take a step forward in the line. "I don't.... I guess I'm just kind of... not sure how I feel about.. about the redhead."


"The redhead," she corrects with a playful smirk. I simply nod knowingly, my mouth making an "O" shape. She shrugs again. "I mean, yeah, I'm happy for Smash and all, if the redhead makes her happy, but...."

"..You don't know where that leaves you," I finish for her.

She nods.

Smash and I leave the truck just as a worker from over at the flower shop leaves the hair salon, smiling like she just delivered a truckload of happiness to someone. Smash has a little smirk on her face, though her cheeks have just a hint of a blush. I raise my eyebrow, wondering what's up, but refrain from asking.

A little bell chimes cutely when she opens the door, letting me in first. The place is nice and cool in comparison to outside. The walls alternate between red, black, and red lace over black. It has a bit of a gothic, posh old times feel to it, yet it isn't overpowering. It's just right.

Capricorn giggles over a womans head, snipping at the ends of the hair. "There, perfect," she exclaims. One of the receptionists carries a golden vase over to the redhead. "Your admirer has struck again."

Fleeting her eyes over at the vase, a smile beams off her face, "Gardenia and tulips! Variegated yellow tulips!" Taking a hold of the vase, she places it on a side table. Alongside the new flowers stands two other vases similar to the first. However, in one, there are pink roses and some sort of white flower. The other holds purple flowers.

The woman whose hair Capricorn had been styling prompts a question about the flowers. "I don't know who." She says with a small smile, as if she has a small clue of who she thinks it is. "The Viscara means, 'Will you dance with me?' The white musk roses mean capricious beauty. Pink roses mean admiration."

Smash, for some reason, has this adorable little blush, again. Stepping further in, I call over the chattering hairstylists and clients, "And what do those mean?"

Capricorn answers excitedly, "The yellow and red tulips mean 'beautiful eyes,' and gardenia means-"

"I love you in secret," Smash finishes. The dyed-blonde pulls at the dark brown under-layer of her shoulder-length hair before flattening the front of her fitted, hot pink shirt, her eyes cast over towards the flowers. She raises her brown eyes to Capricorn's blue ones.

I roll my own and shove my friend forward. "Go kiss, already. Sheesh."

Capricorn's eyes lighten with joy, "You know the meanings of flowers," she says with delight. The redhead pulls Smash into a hug. "Looks like you might have competition."

Smash smirks, pressing a kiss under the redhead's ear, though the smirk is soft. "I'm sure I do," she replies, biting her lower lip as she gazes into Capricorn's eyes, her hands holding the hairstylist's hips to her own. They're a nice height for each other, I notice.

One of the other workers, I realize, is an old one night stand of Smash's. The brunette glares jealous daggers at her co-worker, but Smash's full attention is on the redhead. My friend dips in for a small kiss, and asks, "Can I steal you away from work?"

"Please say yes. She's driving us all bananas."

"Shut up, Konstantinov."

"'I miss my Cappy-Wappy,'" I mock, giggling when she glares over her shoulder at me.

"I did not call her Cappy-Wappy."

"Cappy-Wappy? That's a mouthful during sex." Capricorn giggles before leaning into the kiss, parting her lips for my friend. "I have another client coming in soon.. I'd say you have me for twenty minutes." The redhead's hands slide down Smash's backside, squeezing her ass through the checkered shorts. "Are you not wearing anything under?" The redhead grins, licking her bottom lip.

I blush at my friends next response. "Easy access," she answers with a devious grin, dipping in again to tug at the redhead's lip with her teeth. Smash glances over the redhead's shoulder until her eyes find a door with an 'Employees Only' sign. "Back room?" she murmurs, her eyes on the blue ones before her once more, her fingers playing with Capricorn's - my - dress.

At this point, I approach them, reaching into one of Smash's swim shorts' pockets. "Right. Well. I'm going to to wait in the truck while you two have your fun." Not waiting for a reply, i turn around and head out the door, so not wanting to be a witness to their mushiness.

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