14: Iliana

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Jumping on Fire Storm's back, I tackle her as we leave work. "The concert! The concert! The concert!" She laughs at my excitement, hooking her arms under my legs to keep me up. Grabbing at the ends of her hair childishly, I ask her, "Are you excited? I'm excited. We're gonna see Andy!"

"Ow! Quit pulling my hair! Motherfucker."

Letting go of my best friend's hair, I wrap my arms around her shoulders. "Think Smash is done getting her hair dyed? Hey! Maybe we can get extra tickets for Capricorn and her friends." ....Lilith, mainly. "If they're into BVB, of course."

"Only if Myra comes." She carries me out of the mall, and we head down the street to the redhead's salon. I push the door open from up on my friend's back, and call out as the little bell chimes, "Anyone know if the sexiest stud in town is here? We're her number one fans and we want her autograph."

Our half-blonde friend, sure enough, turns her head to look over at us from her chair, Capricorn behind her. Capricorn scolds her, telling her to stay still unless she wanted zebra-striped hair. "Sorry," Smash says quickly, facing forward again.

Still on Fire's back, I call to Capricorn as my best friend approaches the redhead and Smash, "Are you guys into Black Veil Brides?"

Capricorn holds a strand of fading blonde hair, gathering more to dye. "Yeah. We are going to the concert, well Myra and I are. I believe Lilith has plans with someone."

"Oh." I realize I sound disappointed. "Well, can you drag her along? 'Cause we're going, too. You all should come with us." I play with Fire Storm's hair like I'm riding a horse with reigns. "It'll be fun, and you can watch Smash in a mosh pit." Smash, in her chair, chuckles.

The red-head raises an eyebrow. "I highly doubt that I'll see that. We have front row." Touching up the dyed blonde's roots, Capricorn shakes her head lightly, "One does not simply drag Lilith anywhere.  Sorry, dear."

Fire gapes at her. "How'd you get front row, dude?"

Meanwhile, I can't help but think of our little adventure in the bathroom and wonder if I couldn't drag her somewhere. "Well, tell her she needs to come, anyway. Friend or not." I also can't help but wonder what sort of "friend" this is, and the jealousy that tingles my spine is unsettling.

Capricorn just shrugs, "I paid for them?" The redhead moves on to another strand of Smash's hair, almost finished with touch-ups. "I'll tell her, but don't get your hopes set too high."

"Tell her I said I'll kiss her if she comes," I giggle. Fire Storm hoists me upward, losing her grip. "Is her hair almost done, or should we come back later?"

Capricorn snorts, shaking her head lightly as she sets Smash's hair down, taking her gloves off. "Right. I'm sure she has plenty of girls lined up for that." Getting a rubber band from the drawer, the redhead ties the player's hair in a loose, low ponytail. "There you go, you can go back to work now." The hairstylist takes off the oversized bib, folding it up and placing it on a shelf.

Smash checks herself in the mirror, and, happy with the outcome, stands. "I took the afternoon off." Coming around the chair, the stud pulls her stylist in by her waist and crushes their lips together gently, earning Capricorn a jealous glare from a previous one night stand of the half-blonde's. Fire just looks away casually at a poster. "Thanks, Cap." She kisses the redhead again before letting her go and turning towards the front desk, heading over to pay.

"Sooo..... ice cream?" I ask my two friends sweetly. Fire laughs and refuses, saying I can have some before the concert. I pout. I playfully bite the shoulder of her shirt, growling, before I raise my head to call out to Capricorn, "Wanna come over for drinks, after? We're all staying at this really hot stud's house, tonight." Smash snorts. Grinning, I stage-whisper, "I think she might have a serious thing for you." Our half-blonde friend finishes paying with rosy cheeks, carefully training her eyes on her wallet as she puts her card away.

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