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Hello hello again, my dear readers!
Before you read this chapter, I would just like to inform you that I am actually not that good when it comes to writing action/fight scenes, so don't be surprised if some parts of this chapter were not so well written. Please do forgive me and I hope you will still enjoy this one despite my flaws. Thank you and have a good day!

Now, here goes nothing.

Chapter 20: The Voice In Her Heart


ONCE more, Kim Dokja loudly called out the surgeon's name, his voice had become noticeably hoarse after a year's worth of yelling his heart out to Yoo Jonghyuk not so long ago.

This time, a response was seen.

Park Hanbyeol finally made her first move by taking a wide step to the front. Then, she lightly lifted her Vorpal Sword right up to her chest using both of her hands with the black glass-like blade being pointed forwards.


In a flash, Park Hanbyeol appeared right in front of the two men, showing them how much she had invested in her agility. Kim Dokja, with the help of his newly heightened stats, managed to dodge her fatal thrust quickly. Relieved, he inwardly swiped the sweat off his brow and let out a light breath. Phew! Lucky!


But... the one who was unlucky and ended up recieving her suprise attack was Yoo Jonghyuk as the poor regressor was still stuck in a daze at that moment. Quite unfortunate, really.

When he slightly detected an oncoming attack from the front, Yoo Jonghyuk tried to evade, but it was too late. The long black blade swiftly and smoothly went straight through his chest as if his body was made of tofu. But because of his slight evasion even though it was delayed, the sword only went through right next to where his heart is.

That was close. Well, it looked like he was not that entirely unfortunate, huh? The power of the protagonist's halo was probably at play again.

Witnessing the protagonist's luck firsthand, Kim Dokja was torn between feeling indignant and pity for Yoo Jonghyuk.

The intense pain had successfully awaken Yoo Jonghyuk from his languor. His mind was finally cleared and he was now back to his normal self. However, his return to consciousness was only for a short moment.

Without a word, Park Hanbyeol harshly twisted her black sword while it was still stuck inside Yoo Jonghyuk's chest, drawing blood as she did so.


Yoo Jonghyuk grunted in pain and lowered his gaze a bit to look at the beautiful woman who heartlessly stabbed his heart (almost) only to see the abnormal lack of light in her normally bright amber eyes.

Who am I?

What have I done?

What am I?

Am I... still human?


I am not.

I am no longer human.

I killed my own child.

My flesh and blood.

I depraved him of a bright life that might come to him in the future...

All because I was a coward.

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