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A/N's POV:

Jungkook saw Taehyung coming back from the washroom as the two moved away from each other.

Taehyung- 'So, what have i missed?'

Jungkook- 'Nothing really.'

He smiled softly at Taehyung. They heard the shop bell jingle, indicating it was a customer. But didn't pay any attention to it until.

Dong-wook- 'Jimin?'

He called out as the grey-haired male looked back to see the rust coloured hair man standing there with a dunkin' donuts packet.

Jimin- 'Uhh, hi. W-what are you d-doing here?'

He asked hesistantly as the older walked up to him and sat beside him. Taehyung gave an amusing look to Jimin as Dong-wook sat beside him.

Dong-wook- 'I was on my way to your house with some donuts but I saw you sitting here with these two.'

He said wrapping his arm around Jimin's shoulder who just smiled a little shyly, totally forgetting about where his leg was. Jungkook thought this was the perfect time for his revenge.

The younger's hand went to Jimin's feet as he shivered under the cold touch. Now, he gave Jungkook a threatening sideways look whereas the younger smirked softly seeing it. His hand went up his calf.

They were all so much into the conversation that none of them would even notice what was going on under the table. Jimin tried pulling his leg but Jungkook held it in place on his lap.

He pinched his thigh softly causing his breath to hitch. Jungkook pulled him closer which made his chair move as well.

Dong-wook- 'What happened?'

He asked in a worried tone.

Jimin- 'Umm, nothing. I was just feeling a little uncomfy.'

He said, moving his chair a little away from him and the older seemed to buy the lie as Jimin pulled his leg to himself and quickly wore his shoe.

Taehyung- 'Why don't we all have some ice cream?'

Dong-wook- 'Yeah sure, Jiminie what will you have?'

He called him by a nickname which Jungkook scoffed at.

Jimin- 'Jiminie?'

He asked a little too smilingly as Dong-wook nodded.

Jimin- 'Should we even call each other nicknames mr. Lee?'

He asked a little taken aback. The older moved closer to him and whispered softly.

Dong-wook- 'Depends on you if you want to.'

Jimin's cheeks turned a little rosy red as the older moved a little away from him. Jungkook was the one burning with jealousy now.

He held Taehyung's hand in his and kissed the back of it making him smile. They heard one of them clear their throat a but too loudly.

Dong-wook- 'PDA.'

He whispered softly as the two boys parted away from each other slowly. Jimin's phone rang and it was his boss which meant he had to leave.

Jimin- 'I gotta go.'

He said getting up, ruffling Dong-wook's hair and leaving. The older actor just smiled but something felt off about it according to Jungkook.

Taehyung- 'Should we still get some ice cream?'

Dong-wook- 'Yeah maybe, although I wanted to have Jimin as dessert.'

He said the last few words in a whisper but loud enough for the two to hear making Taehyung shocked and Jungkook disgusted even though he knew how good he really tastes.

Jimin came to the studio as Mr. Yoon saw him.

Mr. Yoon- 'Oh Jimin, we have some work left to do. Would mind helping me out?'

He said a little too sarcastically as Jimin secretly rolled his eyes and went to help his boss. He had a long day running around, bringing him coffee, going back to his house and bringing him loads of shit and doing his scut work. At last he looked at his watch and it showed 8:53 p.m.

Jimin- 'Sir, may I leave now?'

Mr. Yoon nodded.

Mr. Yoon- 'One last thing, can you give this to Mr. Lee Dong-wook? Preferably by tonight.'

He said handing Jimin a gift box as he nodded, bowed and left. He called his 'maybe partner' after coming out of the building.


Dong-wook- 'Hello?'

Jimin- 'Hey, I'm coming back from work. Would you mind visiting me right now?'

Dong-wook- 'Really? Of course I'll come.'

Jimin heard a car horn honk as he looked back to see him in the car. The grey-haired man smiled and went to the car, sitting beside his boyfriend. Dong-wook kept his phone and started the car, driving to Jimin's house.

Dong-wook- 'Why did you want me to come to your house so late at night?' 

He asked, clearly obvious what he was thinking about.

Jimin- 'It's not that late, and Mr. Yoon asked me to give this to you.'

He said while holding the gift box up.
Dong-wook took one look at it and smiled.

Dong-wook- 'That's for you.'

Jimin became very excited.

Jimin- 'What is this?'

Dong-wook- 'That's for you to check out.'

Jimin- 'Just a small hint?'

Dong-wook- 'Nope.'

He said as Jimin gave his puppy eyes making the older bite his bottom lip.

Dong-wook- 'Just a small hint, it is something you will like.'

Jimin glared at him and blew a raspberry. He finally started opening the wrap and openened the box to see a beautiful black lacy lingerie.

Jimin- 'I- well- umm- this-'

He couldn't find words to form a sentence after looking at the gift.

Dong-wook- 'You what?'

Jimin- 'This is lovely but I can't accept it.'

He said keeping the box as Dong-wook's smile faded away.

Dong-wook- 'Why? It took me so long to choose, I spent a lot on it.'

Jimin- 'Yeah I understand but this is just, you know, a little..I can't find the word to describe it.'

Dong-wook- 'Unprofessional?'

Jimin- 'Yeah somewhat.' 

Dong-wook- 'Sorry if I overstepped your boundaries-'

Jimin- 'No you didn't, I'm just..ugh, my brain is not working anymore.'

He said a little frustrated.

Dong-wook- 'Are you okay?'

He asked a little worried.

Jimin- 'No, I don't think so.'

The rest of the ride was quite. The car stopped indicating that his house was here.

Jimin- 'Thanks for the ride.'

He said, about to get off but Dong-wook pulled him by his arm causing there lips to touch.

The kiss was soft but Jimin just couldn't stop thinking about how better Jungkook's lips tasted or how beautifully he could make him feel not only sexual pleasure but also some other things.

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