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A/N's POV:

Jimin- 'Jeon Jungkook?'

The man nodded.

Jungkook- 'Yeah you got that right, now I have to get going. Have a good day.'

He bowed slightly and left. Jimin just shrugged his shoulders thinking that there might not just be one Jeon Jungkook in the whole-ass population of 8 billion right?

He just ignored it and went to spend his day watching a movie or maybe cleaning the house but it was the first one. He really wasn't looking for any romantic connections at the moment but a one night stand was a satisfactory thought.

Next week:

Jimin woke up with the as we know alarm clock as he lazily got out of bed and went to the washroom to freshen up.

He came out of the shower wearing blue jeans and grey sweatshirt with a black jacket to top it off and left for work. He reached the studio and saw Taehyung and Jungkook talking to each other.

So the Jeon Jungkook Mr. Kim Taehyung was talking about was his new neighbour. He smirked softly as he heard his name being called by a deep voice from the side.

Dong-wook- 'Good morning Park Jimin.'

He looked around to see Lee Dong-wook standing there with a ''gentleman'' smile.

Jimin- 'Oh, good morning. I think we bumped into each other this time as well.'

Actually, this was the 3rd shoot with this guy and honestly Jimin didn't particularly hate it (he liked it but wouldn't admit that).

Dong-wook- 'That's maybe what fate wants after all.'

He said in a seriously funny manner making the younger laugh softly. Jungkook walked up to Jimin.

Jungkook- 'Hey, Jimin, what are you doing here?'

Jimin- 'Following you I guess.'

The younger nodded as he could feel a sense of jealousy from the older actor but didn't really care much about it.

Jungkook- 'Oh yeah really?'

He asked a little too excitedly.

Jimin- 'Of course not, I have better work to do, I'm the director's P.A.'

Jungkook- 'You seem too young to be his assistant.'

He joked, referring to his height as Jimin scoffed.

Jimin- 'Excuse me? I'm way older than you.'

He said sarcastically. The conversation came to an end when Jungkook was called to finish the final make up touches.

Dong-wook- 'You know him?'

Jimin just shrugged his shoulders and diverted his gaze to the rust haired male.

Jimin- 'Kind of, he's my new neighbour.'

Jimin said and heard the director clearing his throat a little too loudly.

Mr. Yoon- 'Mr. Park, shall we get to work?'

Jimin nodded and bid a small goodbye to the actor as the actor waved his hand. Jimin read the script for the last time and rolled his eyes at the cringe parts that were added on.

This was a story about two single fathers who went to drop their kids to school everyday and one of their ex-husbands was the new teacher at the school.

The shooting started and Mr. Lee looked so damn hot in the black button up with rolled up sleeves, paired with black trousers and his rust coloured hair.

But somehow his eyes were fixed to the new young actor. Jungkook had a different beauty which was also breath-taking.

He just looked so amazing in brown pants that snuggled to his thighs, with a white shirt that also defined his muscular body. But not just his physical appearance, something about him was like an addiction that if it once hit you then there's no way out.

Dong-wook was also a very fine, honestly even better than a fine man and he barely even knew Jungkook, but no specific reason for that attraction towards him.

The shooting started and they could film the first few minutes of the scene after a lot of cuts, breaks and re-takes. It was finally the end of the busy day. Jimin was leaving when he heard his name being called again by the same deep voice.

Dong-wook- 'Hey, Jimin!'

He called out as the grey-haired male turned back to the running male.

Dong-wook- 'I was asking, how about we grab some coffee sometime. Like after the shooting and all, if your comfortable.'

A man like him basically just could not be rejected.

Jimin- 'I'll have to think about it.'

He said while adjusting the bag on his shoulder and then keeping his hands in his pockets which Dong-wook took as a sign of nervousness and smirked internally.

He liked his affect on Jimin so he decided to do something more. He bent to Jimin's level which made their faces dangerously close and whispered in his ear.

Dong-wook- 'I'll be waiting for you.'

He said breathily as Jimin shivered at the hot breath that hit his ear.

Dong-wook- 'But you have the time to think so no worries.'

He said normally while looking at his caramel eyes with his chocolate ones as Jimin nodded hesistantly.

Jimin- 'G-good night.'

He said shyly walking away as the older crossed his arms over his chest and poked his cheek with his tongue feeling humored. Jimin felt a heavy arm over his shoulder which was none other than his best friend's which startled him a bit.

Taehyung- 'Dude I literally saw Lee Dong-work flirting with my best friend and you still don't want me to make any assumptions?'

Jimin gave him an irritated look.

Jimin- 'I beg of you to not make any assumptions, and he asked me if we could grab some coffee some time after all this shit is over. And I very well know that you know that I just get into people's beds, not their hearts.'

Taehyung put his hand over his mouth and shouted screechingly.

Taehyung- 'He fucking asked you on a date Mr. Dumb Park Jimin.'

He said completely ignoring the fact Jimin stated.

Jimin- 'I know but...'

Taehyung- 'Your not gonna reject him are you?'

Jimin just shrugged his shoulders while biting his bottom lip.

Jimin- 'And I have some news for you. Your precious Jeon Jungkook is my new neighbour.'

Taehyung- 'Holy shit! No way!'

Jimin- 'Yes way, but that doesn't mean you can come over everyday now Taehyung for god's sake tell me that's the last thing on your mind.'

Taehyung- 'No I was thinking how about I move in with you-'

Jimin- 'Fuck no!'

And they started bickering which was seen by the person they were talking about as he just chuckled and took another route back home.

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