Chapter 2

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" For the wounded and the lost.."


The last thing I remember was Pete's innocent smile was directed towards me. Yeah, only for me. But, suddenly that beautiful smile vanished. I was confused. Why? Why did his face went so dark after seeing me?

Pete, did I do something wrong? I tried to speak, but my words didn't come as if somebody was trying to choke me. Pete, can you hear me?..

Slowly, my vision went dark as I tried my best to keep myself straight. I heard some voices come towards me. Is it Pete?

It is surprising that however the Devil of Thailand even made it to the death.
Yes, I'm sure of it. I'm dead. But, I left both Pete and Macau, the two most important people in my life.

I had never felt this lonely in my whole life. Maybe it's because of the darkeness around me. It was so dark in there. Wherever I was, it was not a good place. " Am I in hell? " Such a stupid question. Of course, I'm in hell. How could someone like me go to heaven after all the shit I've done to people, specially to my Pete.

I was starting to accept the fact that I deserved to die. But, a small hope arose in my heart after hearing Pete's voice. " Is he here too?."

" Ve-Vegas, please wake up."

" Pete, I'm here.."

" You don't know how painful it is to me to see you like this."

" Pete, why are you crying? I'm here."
Can't he hear me? I realized that he really can't. He can't hear me..

" Vegas, right now... I am afraid even to be this close to you. My freaking existence is a threat to you.."

I had no idea what was he talking about. But, I knew he was with me... at this moment, he was with me...

" If they know about me being here with you, the-they will surely hurt you."

" Pete, who's gonna hurt me? " There were lot of questions that I wanted to ask from him. Eventhough, I tried many times, he couldn't hear me. I screamed his name. But, there were no responses except his worries about me being hurt by someone or some people.

For a long time, Pete's constant sobbings and apologies continued. I didn't know the reason for his apologises. At those times, I really wanted to hug him and say that everything is fine.

I was tired... I'm tired...  I will be more tired if I stay in this darkness and let Pete cry. I didn't know what was wrong with me. But, I knew one thing that I am the reason for Pete's pain.

I have to try. I have to do something. I
have to put all of my strength to see Pete again. " Oh fuck... I have to do this for Pete. "

" I'm dying to see him.I can remember how Pete said that how he was hungry last time I saw him. But, I really wanna let Pete know that I'm more hungry to be with him."

So, I gathered all of my strength to open my eyes. I failed.. I tried again.. Nope, there's no result. Uhh, I hate to be this weak.

" Promise that you're not gonna hurt yourself  ". It was my little brother's voice asked from someone so desperately.

" I promise. I won't let myself get hurt."

I heard Pete's voice replied. Hearing his voice reminded myself to try again. I squeezed my eyes. A bright light came to my eyes as if to pierce my eyes. I did it. I was no longer in that lonely darkness. That's when I realized how much I hated to be in the dark. It was still hard to adjust to the bright light.

I looked around the room. I saw my brother hugging someone, it was surprising to see him hug someone other than me. Ohh, it was my Pete who was hugging Macau so close.

I tried to call Pete. Some whimpers came out of my mouth instead of his name. How embarrassing...

Both Mac and Pete looked at me. Macau ran towards me. He hugged me like I was near to my death bed.

I groaned because of his weight on me. " Hia, I am hurting you right? I am sorry. " He looked so worried.

" I am fine Mac." My voice has become hoarse. Pete came from Macau's behind and helped me to drink some water.

" Mac, hurry and inform the doctors
that he's awake."

" Okay, P'Pete." Macau ran to the outside like a rocket.

Now, I put all my focus on my angel, the person I've been dying to see. I can say that he looked so tired from his eye bags, yet he has become more beautiful. He was wearing a white T-shirt with a pair of black trousers. It looked so simple and charm. Pete didn't know how much I wanted to spoil him by saying he looked more handsome in his casual clothes.

I also had this urge to talk to him..

" Pe- Pete.." He looked at me. But, his attention went towards the door as bunch of doctors and nurses came to the room with Macau to check on me.

That's when, I got to know that I have been shot by some main family bodyguard and was in a coma for few weeks. Macau was explaining everything happened in those weeks and how his P'Pete saved me. I smiled at the thought of my brother being so close with Pete.

I looked at Pete who was sitting on the couch. He was lost in his thoughts.  Also, I knew he was building some walls between us. I decided to break that wall.

" Pete.." I said. Macau who was talking without a break also drifted his attention from me to Pete. Macau looked so concerned, but said nothing.

Pete looked at both of us as noticing our attention on him. He came towards me and smiled at me. I knew something was wrong from his expressions. Because, it wasn't his real smile. Then, he bowed at me which shocked me a lot.

" Khun Vegas, how are you feeling right now? " He asked.

What did Pete just call me? Kh-Khun?Why was he addressing me like that? Just why? I looked at Macau to find some answers from him. But, he instantly looked down after realizing that my eyes are on him.

I was confused. I really wanted to make sure if I'm dreaming. Wasn't it me who slept for weeks and was in a coma? Was Pete in a coma too?

" I-I... Uhhh, I-I'm fine... Pe-" I was interrupted by a ringing tone. It came from Pete's side. He hurried and got his phone out. His face changed so fast and his smile changed in to some unreadable expression after seeing the name of the caller.

Who is calling him?...

He looked at me. " Khun Vegas, give me a minute. I'll be back and please make sure to get some rest "

With that he left hurriedly as if he's being hunted...


Hi Guys. Hope you guys are fine.
Actually, this is my first time writing something like this. I just thought that I must share my personal thoughts. I have been a fan of Kinnporsche for a long time. Out of the 3 couples, Vegaspete captured my heart and for me, they have been the most comforting characters eventhough they're fictional. So, I thought to write  about them. Cuz, why not? I know both the actors deserved it too. Also, the story I'm writing now has been running in my mind for a long time. On other hand, I'm sorry if there are any mistakes with my English & my writing.

So my dear readers, hope you like it. Also, thank you so much for the support. Luv ya🤍 & like Vegas said everything will be fine😁🖤.

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