Chapter 15

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" Though I saw it coming, it still hurts..."

- Pete

I rushed to my car and put Venice to his safety seat in the back of car. I ran to the side of the driving seat quickly and sat.

" Where-e did I-I put it?" My breathing started to decrease tightening my chest and stomach.

I started to find my bag without making a noise to wake Venice up. It was nowhere to find. Then, I started to find in the drawers of the car.

" Found it." I said to myself.

I picked the little paper bag and took the pills. I put it in to my mouth and I drank some water. I swallowed the pills hardly.

But, my breathing didn't decrease. I held my stomach and tightened the grip around it. Then, I felt something wet on my hand. I looked down to see what it is.


" Oh shit... no no no..." I whispered to myself. I looked at the car mirror. My nose was bleeding again. I grabbed a tissue from my bag and wiped my nose slowly.

I realized that my car was still in the parking lot of the mansion. I heard laughing sounds from the mansion. At least, they're happy... I thought.

I started the engine and drove away from there. After few minutes, the car came to the main road. Eventhough the pain in my chest and stomach lessened, the pain in the heart didn't.
I felt that their arrival won't do any good, specially Vegas. I didn't guess that he would come with them.

It fucking hurts to ignore him. If I spent the night in the mansion, I will die from the pain... in the heart...

I know that I acted so cold infront of him. But, I had no other choice. I am not that heartless... If someone reads my life thinking it as a book and they will think how stupid of me to live like this... live with pain... I know that I have money,  I have properties, I have power over the people and I also have those cool powers that a normal mortal don't have from the birth. I have everything I wanted.

But still, I am also a human. What is the meaning of these things, if I am not happy, if I can't be with the person I love the most...

I am tired of this. I wish this pain will end soon...

I dialled the number of the person who had the answers for my questions.

( On the phone )

XXX: " Yeoboseyo..."  He answered the call.

P: " Are you free right now? Or Am I disturbing you in the middle of a treatment?"

XXX: " No sir, I am free right now."

P: " Are you sure? "

XXX: " Yes sir... Are you okay?"

P: " No, I am not."  I sighed.

XXX: " What happened sir?"  I heard his panicked voice.

P: " I will tell you... I just want to make an appointment tomorrow."

XXX: " Sir, I am free in the morning."

P: " Okay then, I will come in the morning."

XXX: " Alright Sir."

P: " Thank you so much Doc."

XXX: " It's my pleasure."

P: " Hmm... Good night."

XXX: " Good night sir."

( Call ended )

I put my phone aside and I looked at Venice from the front mirror. A smile crept in to my lips. Little angel was sleeping so deeply. He must be tired from all of this little tours. But, I wonder what is he dreaming about? I wish it must be something sweet like him.

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