Drake Headcannons

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1- They paint their own nails to black.

2- Drew is helping Jake at Math.

3- They always play Mario Kart, Drew always win of course (Heartstopper)

4- When Milo learned that Jake and Drew is lovers. Since he is scaring from Drew, he cried because Drew is his uncle now.

5- They always get themselves gifts. While jake always get flowers, Drew always get expensive gifts. Drew doesnt care about it that much.

6- Drew still has trust issues. He is still scared if Jake is cheating on him or something. It' because of Zoey. Jake is still trying to him over.

7- When they go to the shopping, Drew gets what Jake always wanted, Jake rejected it sometimes.

8- They have matching jewelrys.

9- Henry and Liam always make fun of Drew's bow socks. But Jake thinks they are cute.

10- While Jake calls Drew "Drewy" Drew calls Jake "Jakey".

11- Jake is Flirty one, and Drew is the Flustered one.

12- They usually go to the beach on Valentine's days.

13- Jake can kiss Drew at any expected times.

14- The necklace on Jake is Drew's old necklace.

15- They both interested in Astronomy, they watch Stars sometimes.

16- They compare eachother to Lumity.

17- When Drew is sad, Jake hugs to him. But when Jake is sad, Drew gets him everything he wants.

18- They both share hoodies.

19- When Jake is sick, Drew always gives him medicines, but when Drew is sick, Jake cooking food for him.

20- When Jake is flirting with Drew, Drew blushes like a tomato 🍅

21- While Drew has a basic writing, Jake's writing is like a Doctor writing.

22- They both play chess sometimes because Drew loves it.

23- Emojies that they send to eachother:
Drew: 💗💖💋
Jake: 😍😘💗

24- They usually go to the picnic on Sunday's

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