Milo Headcannons ♡

45 3 21

1- Don't like when his hair get ruffled or something.

2- Sometimes he is being a more big brother to Jake.

3- Drew taughts him classes.

4- Liam gives him piggy back rides (Credits to Emaleigh_W)

5- His favorite dromie is Henry of course.

6- He scared of Liam because he thought he was a vampire.

7- Actually idolizes Jake but don't admit it.

8- Actually loves Jake but don't atmit it. This is how he shows.

9- Eats a lot but don't get any weight because he is superactive.

10- Will be an angel when his mom is around because he is a mommas boy, but will be a devil when there is Jake around.

11- Likes to tease with people.

12- He and Henry makes jokes to Jake (Credits to: Emaleigh_w)

13- Makes fun of Liam's scene phase.

14- He and Henry shares food. (Credits to: Emaleigh_w)

15- A dog person.

16- Takes Jake's jacket to the school or hide it because he loves to see him angry.

17- His classmates throw down his backpack to the school garden as a joke. (Irl event)

18- Cannot be serious when Jake is mad at him, he teases with him.

19- Favorite food is dumpling.

20- He showed off to his friends at school about his older brother being a singer after the competition.

21- He still don't know that Jake is not friend with Dromies anymore.

22- People call him little Jake because of his big ego.

23- Rides bicyle everyday.

24- Very tall for his age.

25- Only he can made fun of Jake.

25- Only he can made fun of Jake

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