Chapter 9: Hermione's Task

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It was close to three o'clock. The Healers said Hermione would wake in a few hours' time as the Muggle drugs faded. While they could've used a Reviving Spell, they thought it best to give her a few more hours of untroubled sleep.

After speaking lowly with Ron and Mrs. Weasley, Lakey departed. Harry briefly thought of doing the same-there would be significant follow-up from Hermione's attack-but the thought of leaving St. Mungo' was impossible.

Yet, he couldn't stay here. He couldn't watch Mrs. Weasley fuss with Hermione's regrown hair. Or watch the Healers walk slowly past their room, trying to catch a glimpse of the famous wizards inside. But most of all, he couldn't watch the deep and guileless anguish on Ron's pale face, the manifestation of everything Harry could not let himself show.

"I'm going to find food."

Only Ginny turned to look at him. "Do you want me to come?"

"No," he answered too quickly. "Stay here with Ron..."

She glanced at her brother as he fiddled unseeingly with the end of Hermione's blanket.

"All right," she said, hesitant. "I'll send word if there's any change. If you see George in the lobby, tell him we're here. Ron said he'd be coming shortly."

Harry nodded and moved into the hallway. A small gathering of Healers scattered quickly, pretending to read their charts or chatting with one another. Harry barely glanced at them and turned down the nearest empty corridor.

He watched the white marble floor pass beneath his feet, its blankness the perfect canvas upon which to imagine Hermione's colorless and tranquil face. How very small and fragile she had looked on that Muggle hospital bed. How easy it would've been to think...

He shook his head and other images gathered in his mind, long buried: a mute Death Eater, purple flame, and Hermione crumpled to the floor...

When Harry looked up, he was in a deserted hallway. A sign hung over a nearby double-door: The Janus Thickey Ward. It was the long-term care ward that Harry had visited once in his fifth year after Arthur Weasley was bitten by Voldemort's snake, Nagini.

The Visitors' Tearoom was one floor above, if Harry remembered correctly. But, instead of turning, he approached the gleaming doors and peered through their small windows. He could see nothing, really. But, just as Harry turned away, he was nearly knocked to the ground as someone pushed through the door.

"Chief Potter?" Healer Waltham exclaimed as Harry regained his balance. "Is everything all right? Has there been a change with Counselor Granger?"

"Er, no. I was just walking..." he mumbled, feeling stupid.

Waltham didn't seem to notice Harry's discomfort. "That's good. I was checking on the patients in our extended stay ward," he said. "In fact, I was just attending to the Camerons. I believe Counselor Granger visited them this morning before her...incident."

"The Muggle family?"

"Yes," Waltham said, putting on a solemn air. "I'm afraid there hasn't been much improvement."


The Healer paused. "I could show you, if you like? If you have the time."

Harry thought fleetingly of the tearoom and food, but the idea of eating still felt very abstract. Harry had helped transport the Camerons to St. Mungo's, but he'd never formally met the family.

"Er, all right. I don't have long...I have to return to the Ministry," he lied, following Waltham as he pushed through the doors again.

Inside, Harry looked around the spacious ward, which was filled with natural light from two high windows in the ceiling. It was almost completely empty, save two patients at the far end. One was asleep and the other was reading the Daily Prophet upside down.

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