Chapter 27: The Informant

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They were in the room by the garden. She nestled against his chest like it was a safe place, a faint smile on her lips.

Wake up, now, she said. Wake up.

"Wake up, sir! Wake up!" Gwen was on her knees, shaking him hard.

He came to with a groan.

"Merlin! Fucking scared me to death!" she cried. "I didn't know where you were!"

"S-sorry," he mumbled.

"You look terrible! Here."

She removed his glasses and conjured a wet washcloth. She rubbed at his face like it was a dishpan with a stubborn spot.

"The Minister's in a fury," she said anxiously. "You better get down there."

"What time is it?" he said, pushing her hand away.

"Six thirty."

He took back his glasses and Hermione's office came into focus. His neck and left arm ached. Remembering, he stood up so quickly Gwen had to throw out a hand to keep her balance.

The painting was still black.

"What's wrong?" she said, standing.

When he said nothing, she looked worriedly between him and the painting, but found nothing amiss apart from the oddness of an entirely black painting. Dimly, Harry realized not everyone knew what the painting was. He turned towards the exit.

"He's in his office?" he asked, as they passed down the aisle.

"Yes," she said, struggling to keep pace. "Here."

She handed him the Prophet and Harry stared down at it. They had used the largest typeface, the one reserved for war and disaster.


And then, a photograph. It took up most of the front page. A close-up picture of Hermione during the trial. Harry could tell it was from opening statements by the line between her brows, by the way her lips moved calmly and deliberately as she spoke of justice and balance and what the worlds owed one another.

But to look at her was physical pain.

He unfolded the broadsheet and saw another headline.


He passed it back to her. "What's the status on Grace and Yvain's friends?"

"They'll be here in a half hour."

"Keep them in separate rooms," he said, reaching the lifts. "I'll be back soon as I can. I want an update on Levina's research when I return."

She nodded and Harry could see the dark circles ringing her eyes. He called the lift reserved for the Minister's use and stepped inside.

"State name and rank," said a cool female voice from the ceiling.

"Harry Potter. Chief of the Auror Department."

The lift descended. In the quiet, Harry closed his eyes.

He could not know what the painting meant. For all he knew, it could be literal and she was in a dark place. She hadn't been a solitary woman along a river either.

You don't know anything. She might still be alive.

The lift came to a stop and the doors opened.

"Minister of Magic Front Office," said the voice.

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