Chapter 39: Pity the Living

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His smile wavered. "What d'you mean?"

"Maggie looked upset," he said slowly. "You look upset."

Ron made a dismissive sound halfway between a laugh and a cough. But, as Harry held his gaze, something broke behind Ron's eyes too. He lowered himself shakily to his chair.

"Don't..." he breathed. "Don't hate me."

Harry was numb, entirely numb. Heart thrumming in his ears, he felt his feet carry him to the chair across from Ron. His lips put the words together.

"You're having an affair."

Ron swallowed, staring hard at the floor. When he spoke, it was barely above a whisper.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

" long?"

"Since last spring."

"Over a year," Harry said faintly.

Ron winced. "We kissed before then...the night of the ball. It was just one of those stupid kisses you give people on New Year's. Nothing, really. But I think...I think we both knew something then..."

Harry released a short breath.

"We didn't do anything after," Ron said hastily, as though Harry had objected. "Then, there was the trial and...what happened...her attack...of course nothing happened then or for a long time afterwards...but, I don't know...I can't explain it. We were spending so much time the shop...and working on Operation Un-Squib...we just sort of...drifted together..."

Harry could say nothing and Ron seemed to force himself to meet his eyes. Harry was stunned to see real fear there.

"You hate me. You hate me for doing this to her."

Harry opened his mouth, then shut it.

"You think I don't hate myself?" Ron said, voice breaking. "For hurting her like this after everything she's been through? When she's the fucking toast of magical society? When she's the Brightest Witch of Her Age? You have no idea what it's like being with a fucking saint."

Harry swallowed.

"Maggie's...Maggie's gutted about it too," Ron said softly. "Did you know she's divorced?"

Harry shook his head.

He knew Maggie had a seven-year-old daughter, Saoirse. They had both come to Hugo's birthday last year. He only now remembered that Maggie had come alone, that she never mentioned having a partner. Harry had always assumed there was one. Divorce was so uncommon in their world.

"Divorced five years ago," Ron murmured. "Her husband cheated on her so she-she hates herself for doing the same thing, when she knows how much it hurts. Both her parents are Muggle-born too, so she loves everything H-Hermione's been doing...and she's the one who helped Nicole get better too and Maggie loves Nicole, you have no idea...that girl's her second daughter..."

Ron's eyes grew exceptionally bright.

"She says she can't take it anymore..." he said thickly. "It's too much. She wants to end things...that's what you walked in on."

He trailed into silence and the quiet whirred in Harry's ears until he felt his lips move once more.

"What're you going to do?"

Ron dug his fingers into his hair and pressed very hard.

"I don't know," he croaked. "I dunno what to do."

"Are you going to tell her?"

Ron swallowed and wiped at his eyes. "I reckon I've got to."

"Do-do you still want to be with her?"

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