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The club is loud. The lighting is a soft golden, creating a hazy mood, the alcohol making it even more so. It's packed, but there's still just enough room to walk in between bodies without touching. 

How frustrating, Jimin thinks, when that's the one thing he's here for. 

He's sitting at the bar on the side in a simple white shirt with a black blazer and slacks to match, black hair parted to the side, a few strands let loose stylishly. Small round tables are spread out evenly in the room, with matching stools to sit on filled with bar-goers. Jimin can't make out any familiar faces.


There's plenty of handsome faces though. Or just handsome bodies. 

There's one in particular. 

The hands are nice, strong and not too veiny. The arms are proportionally thick. The jaw is sharp. Adam's apple is prominent. The eyes aren't there, but it doesn't matter. The lips are on his neck and Jimin thinks finally.


Jimin's hand blindly swipes the alarm notification on his phone. 

6:00 am, Monday, October 4th.

He groans as he stretches out his limbs, then falls limp as he stares up at the ceiling for a few seconds before turning to the side and scrolling through the news on his phone. 

Just like everyone else, Jimin hates Mondays.

It's just another start to another grueling week of work that honestly could be done by a teenager if trained well enough. But as the second son to a powerhouse tech company, he has an image to keep up. Though, it has to be a muted one. His older brother is the one usually in the spotlight, handling all the big deals and projects in preparation to be the next CEO. That's why Jimin is given the medium level tasks, so as not to outshine his brother. Not that Jimin particularly wants to. He definitely has the education, training, and wit to become CEO, but he'd rather not have all eyes on him if anything goes wrong. 

Just like how things went wrong on this dreaded Monday morning.

40 Million Won in Embezzlement from Parkinetics?! Read more 》

Parkinetics Stock Drops After Accusations of Embezzled Funds Over the Past 3 Years. Full story

Jimin doesn't need to read any more as he clutches his phone in his hands, jumps out of bed, throws a t-shirt on to match his sleep shorts, and runs downstairs to see his father sitting at his desk, chin resting on his laced fingers as he looks angrily at the open laptop in front of him, his brother already pacing the big home office in panic.


"I know, your brother told me already," his father interrupts. Jimin freezes in the hall as his older brother is pacing back and forth, also in his pajamas, hands laced atop his head.

Their father, Park Sangyoon, is already dressed in a suit. He wakes up absurdly early to do yoga with the sunrise in the background to destress. Only for all the stress to come slamming back into him just hours later. It's practically dead silent except for the footsteps of his pacing brother, tension so thick in the air you could slice a hole through it. 

Jimin hovers by the doorframe and takes a chance at breaking the silence. "What does this mean? How did this even happen?"

"It doesn't matter how or what or who Jimin, we just have to fix this!" his brother growls out, pausing in his pacing.

"Seungjin," their father silences him only using his eyes to look, making his glare even more deadly. 

Seungjin deflates slightly and continues pacing. "How did the media even find out before we did? This is ridiculous! I thought I was taking care of it all well, that the team I had was competent and trustworthy! Appa I swear I'll figure out w-"

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