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[Unknown] 3:47 am

Yo, guess who got bailed out yesterday~

6:28 am [Jimin]

Who is this?

[Unknown] 6:45 am

Yahhh, Jiminie it's meeee ╰(*°▽°*)╯

6:46 am [Jimin]

Oh my god Hoseok?! Explain everything

Jung Hoseok is no ordinary man. Nor was he one in college. His reputation preceded him everywhere he went. He was strikingly handsome, and his dance skills added to his fluid confidence. Fortunately for some, and unfortunately for others, he knew this about himself and used it well. On top of all that he had going for him, he was rightfully praised for his coding and hacking skills; he was majoring in computer science after all. But before that, he used to be a finance major. This led to Jimin sharing a mutual class with him where they hit it off immediately. They started off as friends, then drinking buddies, which led to a drunken kiss and afterwards they became friends with (rare) benefits. Both of them knew where their priorities lay, so they never made plans for when to hook up, it just happened when they both felt like it. When Hoseok switched his major, the benefits decreased but the friendship remained strong. Only up until a year after graduating.

Hoseok was no ordinary man, even after college. Jimin heard rumors around campus, but that following June when suddenly Hoseok stopped replying to texts, Jimin thought to confirm those rumors. And indeed, Jung Hoseok, also known as Hobi, was under investigation for a hacking attempt at a small brand clothing store. He somehow got the charges dropped and walked out a free man, but not without a boost to his reputation. It went like this for about a year, in and out of the police station, getting charges dropped under mysterious circumstances. When Jimin met up with him once during those times, Hoseok had just been cleared from his 3rd investigation that year. That's when Jimin knew his friend was a lot braver (and smarter) than most. Ethical hacking exists, but Hoseok, or Hobi more so, added his own morals and attacked the ones who deserved it. Jimin called him the modern-day Robin Hood.

"Hobi Hood! Wait, no that sounds wrong," Hoseok had said that evening.

Jimin giggled and cuddled closer to his friend. One round wasn't enough, so after the third, they deemed themselves caught up in that aspect. Then it was time for life updates as their pillow talk.

"It does. Let's just stick with Hobi," Jimin replies.

Then Jimin talked about his new position at his dad's company, told him about his crush on Yoongi, and this new Indian restaurant he recently fell in love with. Hoseok didn't reveal much about himself in response, but Jimin was too happy to see his friend again to notice.

But that was years ago. Somewhere along the way, Hoseok seemingly dropped off the face of the earth. Getting a text after so long brings back lots of memories, but also a whole lot of questions.

[Hoseok] 6:56 am

The one and only!

I will I will I'll text you l8r tho

I need my beauty sleep 😆😴

6:57 am [Jimin]

As if you need it

The rest of the workday takes his mind off of Hoseok easily. After he reads those texts, he goes down to eat breakfast and his father is there with him. However, Sangyoon is eating sugary cereal with milk instead of his regular healthy meal. Just by that, Jimin knows that things are getting unusual. Following that, at work, it's difficult to ignore how the bustle of the office is tinged with anxiety. A company-wide email had been sent yesterday evening reassuring everyone that everything is under control, but Jimin knows better. Jimin tries not to think about it.

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