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Jungkook thought he could relax.

He thought having a drink would ease his mind that was constantly whirling these days.

Why did I get myself into this mess?

(Don’t worry, he knows why.)

It’s been a little over 2 years since the accident, but he still remembers it like it was yesterday. He’s more paranoid than he’s ever been, but perhaps that’s a good thing considering his job. And his side job. And his other side job. It’s a lot to keep track of, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He’s done his research.

Or so he thought.

The restaurant was new, so there had been no time to evaluate it. But considering Jimin’s luck, he should have known. He had closed his eyes and was relishing in the final sips of his drink when commotion from further in the restaurant caught his attention. There were servers and a few customers gathered in a corner booth, Sorin and Jimin’s booth to be exact. At first, Jungkook thought it was Sorin having another outburst, but the worry from everyone surrounding the booth caught Jungkook’s attention.

“Oh god, are they ok?”

“Throw some water!”

“No, don’t be stupid, call an ambulance!”

“Wait what happened?”

“He just fainted after the dessert came. Is he allergic?”

He. So, it’s not Sorin, it’s…

“Jungkook!” he hears Sorin call, but Jungkook was already beside her, his visual signs of panic making everyone move out of the way easily. He sees Sorin standing by Jimin’s side of the booth shooing people away. Jimin is slumped over to the side, almost laying across the booth seat. His skin is a bit pale, even in the glow of the candlelight.

Oh fuck, the candle.

In that instant, Jungkook knows exactly what had happened. He leans over to reach for Jimin’s arm to pull him into an upright position, blowing out the candle as soon as he gets the chance. He carefully cradles Jimin’s head in his hands and calls out to him. There’s no response. Out of instinct, Jungkook checks his pulse. Slower than normal, but normal.

“I’ll have to get him out of here,” he says to Sorin. “Pay the bill and then meet me at the car to help get him in,” handing her the keys as he instructs her.

Sorin nods right away, grabs the keys, and digs through her purse for her wallet. Jungkook carefully sets Jimin’s head on his chest, so he can get one arm under Jimin’s shoulders and the other under his knees, without jostling him too much. The reconvened crowd naturally parts for him once again, walking out with an unresponsive Jimin in his arms. He gets to the car and Sorin is waiting with the back door open, wringing the straps of her purse in worry.

“Jungkook, I don’t know what happened, I don’t know how, but it was just so sudden I don’t even know how o-or why,” Sorin rambles.

“Don’t worry, it’s not your fault. All he needs is a safe and familiar place to wake up to. And that’s his home.”

“Uh, what? My-” she whips her head around quickly to see if anyone is within earshot, then lowers her voice, “my boyfriend just fainted in public, and I have no idea why. Shouldn’t we take him to the hospital?”

“That would make it worse, trust me.” He grunts out at the end as he gets all of Jimin safely in the car.

“How do you…?” Sorin trails off as Jungkook walks away from her and towards the driver’s seat. Instead, she crawls in the back seat to cradle Jimin’s head in her lap. “Drive carefully, unlike last time.”

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