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It's November 17th, Seungjin's birthday. It falls on a Saturday this year, and Seungjin is taking full advantage of it.

10:42 am [Jimin]

I'm! so! excited! for! my! brother's! birthday!

[Hobi Hyung] 10:43 am

Damn I almost thought you were serious lol

Want me to give you company?~

10:45 am [Jimin]

Yeah I'd love to introduce you to everyone

"Hi, this is one of my best friends from college who does 'ethical' hacking. But don't worry he's never been found guilty. Oh and did you know we used to fuck?"

[Hobi Hyung] 10:47 am

Well when you put it like that


It sounds pretty accurate, there's no other way to spin it

Jimin smiles into his shoulder. He's standing in the corner of the giant banquet hall that was booked for the party. He's been assigned to oversee all the decorations and set up. Seungjin turns 27 today and he always acts like it's the best thing to happen on earth. As if gaining 1 year of life is something to celebrate. Seungjin has spent most of his life cheating, sneaking, stealing, and intimidating his way through pretty much every aspect of life. He learned early on that coming from a rich family meant people would do whatever you wanted. That all your past mistakes were just due to the fun characteristics of a wealthy young man.

Luckily, Jimin was smart enough to not follow in his footsteps. Not that his brother would let him. Young Seungjin would constantly shoo Jimin away and discourage any playtime with the two of them. It was always 'now I have to throw my toys away because you touched it' and 'my friends don't like you, just leave us alone'; he was never included. The parents of other children thought the brothers would get along since they were so close in age. But when they realized they were less than a year apart, some of them looked at Jimin... differently.

[Hobi Hyung] 10:50 am

Well enjoy as much as you can

I have to get going

I'm meeting an old friend

10:56 am [Jimin]

Uhh, I'm pretty sure I'm your only friend

[Hobi Hyung] 10:57 am

You think I was waiting for my bail all by myself? Oh you have much to learn Jiminie

10:57 am [Jimin]

Oh god don't tell me

Prison dick?!

[Hobi Hyung] 10:58 am

Ew no I have standards. It's better

Ok I gotta start heading out. Have fun~~~

He puts his phone back into his pocket and sees the progress. Jimin honestly doesn't even need to be here, but he feels he deserves this downtime after a grueling work week. Thinking about decorations was easier than thinking about emails filled with so much corporate babble that you'd want to punch a hole right through the monitor.

Seungjin comes down the stairs quickly, running a shaky hand through his hair as he dips out to the side garden. He's speaking to someone on the phone with a vein popping in his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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