Levi x Talkative reader

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Rated: PG-13 adult language

"Oh mi god! No!!" You yell and laugh along with Hanji.
Like Hanji.. You're very loud and happy and you get on Levi's nerves, which you like to do. I mean, why not get your boyfriend pissed off at you? It's how you two ended up together!
~~~~flash back~~~
"No way!" You yell and laugh loudly.
"Tch. Would you please shut up?" Levi says scolding you from across the table.
"Well... Some ones a mr. grumpy gills!" You say and laugh alone with Hanji earning a chuckle from mike.
"Tch. I'm not a fish I do not have gills!" He says and you laugh again.
"Shut the fuck up!" Levi says again having you laugh more.
"Ugh!" Levi groans, gets up and walks away.
"There goes your maaaaaaaaan" Hanji sings and you laugh loudly.
"Shut up!" You yell smacking Hanji's arm.
"He must not know!!" You yell as you walk out of the mess hall and into the room where you all meet to discus things.
" oh what do you think about me? When you're Looking at me like that?" You sing waking to your seat not seeing Levi sitting in his.
"Tch." You jump.
"Shut up!" He says and you turn around to look at him.
"Why? Why must I always shut up!" You say and looks at you as you sit in your chair. "Because" he says standing up and waking over to you.
"Every time you open that damn mouth of yours... I fall in fucking love! With every goddamn word you say. No matter how fucking stupid and it pisses me off so goddamn much!" he says and kisses you. You slowly start to kiss back when Hanji burst into the room and scares you both.
"Tch. Shitty glasses" Levi says blushing.
"Are you blushing?" She yells and you blush and laugh.
"He is! He told me he loved me and kissed me!" You yell and Hanji squeals.
"Did you tell him you loved him?" She asks and you shake your head no.
"Why not? You do! It's all you ever talk about!" She yells and Levi groans.
"Stop yelling, god!" He says and sits down beside you. You smile and hold his hand getting a smile from him.

~~~~~ end of flashback ~~~~
"Oh mi god! You never shut up!" He tells you as you walk towards your "shared", it's shared as in you mostly stay with Levi but you still have your own room, room.
"You like my voice though" you say and he laughs.
"I do.... But, you need to shut up when in meetings." He says kisses your forehead.
"I love you, [name]. So goddamn much! I could never ask for anyone else. Yes, you piss me off with all that taking you do.... But, you're my everything" he says pushing you on the bed.
You blush and smile. "I love you too Levi."
"Better" he says and kisses your neck.
"I'll have to punish you for taking so much" he says biting your neck.

Let's just say, in the morning at breakfast... You couldn't talk because you had no voice.

---- I hope you like it! Comment any request!

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