chapter two

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Rhaella stood at her mothers grave in silence. The fever had finally taken her. Her mother was nothing more than a servant, no one would remember her life nor her death. But her daughter, would be remembered.

Rhaella was the bastard child of Daemon Targaryen, she was born with silver hair and sparkling purple eyes. It's never said how Daemon met her mother, she never did talk about Rhaellas father. All she knew was that he was a prince of the blood. Taking after her mother, Rhaella was a practitioner of magic, dark and light. It's even written that she practiced blood magic often.

Rhaella now alone was quickly taken into care by Lord Rickon Stark of Winterfell. He had a soft spot for the girls mother and that care passed down to Rhaella. She was not treated as any other maidservant though, she sat at the table with the Starks rather than serving them. Like her mother, she was looked at as a guide for the Northmen, often reading their futures and performing sacrifices to their gods. Rhaella even made a friend in Cregan Stark who was just a couple years older than her.

"We should get back." Cregan whispered to the girl who was still staring at the fresh dirt that covered her mothers grave. She looked back at the lord and sighed.

"Just a moment longer.." She said kneeling down infront of the grave. She placed her hands over the cool soil and prayed to the old gods. "Please take my mothers soul and let her rest peacefully now.." She whispered. A tear began to fall down her cheek before she wiped it away with her sleeve. She stood and turned to the young lord with a smile. "Let us go then."

The two walked in silence back to the grounds of Winterfell. When they arrived Cregans mother was awaiting them. Lady Gilliane was a tall slim woman with long black hair. She was the kindest woman Rhaella knew besides her own mother.

"Oh sweet girl, how are you today?" She asked with a softness in her voice. Rhaella smiled up at her sadly.

"I'm doing alright, I would just like to sleep is all." She said before turning in the direction of the maids sleeping quarters. Before she got very far the Lady Gilliane took the young girls hand.

"I've made up a special place just for you now, you don't have to stay in the maids quarters anymore." She said with a smile. Rhaella was confused by her offering, she had always stayed with the other servants. The lady gestured for her to follow so she did, Cregan also came along. Lady Gilliane brought Rhaella into a small room. Inside held a bed covered in furs, a desk and shelf, along with a small vanity.

"This is for me?" Rhaella asked curiously. Gilliane nodded.

"Rickon and I loved your mother dearly, she was more to us that just another servant. We promised to take care of you when she got sick, it's not much but it's yours." She said leaving the two children to explore the room.

"I don't understand.. I'm just a bastard, why all of this?" She asked Cregan who looked at her with his usual wild eyes.

"Well, your mother was a good woman my parents loved. Being a bastard doesn't matter to them, your mother was like family. So you're family." He said giving her a smile. She hummed to herself still questioning all this but decided not to think about it too much.

"Thanks Cregan." She said looking out the window of her new room. She could see the Godswood from it and she smiled, the perfect view.


As time went by Rhaella made her room her own. Her shelves quickly filled with herbs and potions along with bones found in the forest. Her desk was littered with writings and drawings and her bed covered in heavy furs she hunted herself. Her fourteenth nameday was coming up and she was anything but excited. It was just another reminder that she was alone, no mother to love her, no father to teach her. Though the Starks were good to her they weren't family nor blood. This caused Rhaellas heart to darken, the darkness that surrounded her consumed her. This is what led her to the darker arts. Scars covered the palms of her hands from the blood magic she often practiced. She lived by the old gods along with most people in The North. She often saw things others didn't, futures, and paths of those around her. It only clouded her heart further. She saw her mothers death in her dreams, she saw things in her dreams quite frequently.

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