chapter three

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Cregan, Rodrick, and Brandon awoke early on Rhaellas name day. They spent their morning in the kitchen with the serving girls making messes. The three put their heads together and crafted a cake for Rhaella, with the help of the cooks of course. It was just a few inches wide and decorated with dried flowers. Though Rhaella asked for no surprises the boys still had something planned for her.

"Should we go wake her up then?" Rodrick asked as the boys walked through the halls of Winterfell with the cake.

"Yes but don't startle her, no screaming for her to wake!" Cregan reminded the boys, she was a timid sleeper and the last thing he wanted to do was frighten her. Brandon and Rodrick both smiled as Cregan slowly opened her door. She was curled up under her furs fast asleep. Cregan came to her side and brushed her hair away from her face smiling down at her.

"You're practically drooling there." Brandon whispered to Cregan who had a glisten in his eyes. He shoved him playfully and shook Rhaella gently trying to wake her.

"Rhae.. Rhae wake up." He said gently patting her arm. Her eyes fluttered opened and she yawned sitting up a bit.

"What do you fools want?" She rubbed her eyes looking at the smiling boys. Rodrick held up her cake and smiled.

"It's your thirteenth name day! Surprise!" Rodrick said happily, his northern accent thick. Rhaella rolled her eyes and smirked at the boys.

"I believe I asked for nothing today." She reminded them sternly.

"It's a big day, don't be a sorehead!" Brandon said with a smile and a shove to the shoulder. Rhaella gave them a smile and took her cake.

"Thank you, all of you. Even though I know Cregan put you up to it." She said annoyed but with a smirk on her face. The boys surrounded her bedside and laughed together. They all shared the plate of cake while telling stories of the realm.

"I would like to see a dragon one day." Brandon said with a grin. The group was telling tales of the Targaryen King Aegon, the conqueror.

"I wish I could've seen Balerion in all his glory!" Rodrick jumped in.

"What about you, Rhaella? Would you like to see a dragon?" Cregan asked the girl who sat twirling the fork around her fingers. She shrugged.

"I feel like I could go my whole life without seeing one and be okay, they do not fascinate me as much as they do you." She said pointing the fork at each of the boys. They smiled.

"You could be a dragon rider, go out and claim one of the great beasts that roam this land." Brandon spoke quietly, as if telling a secret. Rhaella just laughed.

"The Targaryens wouldn't appreciate a bastard claiming one of their dragons, I'm perfectly fine with riding horses." She said with a sigh.

"They say the princesses sons are bastards.." Rodrick whispered, for it was treason to speak like that.

"It's just rumor, her son is the heir to the iron throne you should be careful of what you say Rod." Brandon said chuckling at him. Rodrick shrugged, he was careless sometimes.

"I don't believe the King will hear me all the way here in Winterfell, Bran." Rodrick shoved his friend and the group laughed.

"Come on boys, let's leave her. She did ask for quiet on this day." Cregan said standing from her bedside. and pulling his friends along.

"We will see you later at your dinner!" Brandon said before they left her alone. Rhaella smiled watching them disappear. She was thankful for them, those boys were her closest, dearest friends. She didn't have many of those, most of the other girls at Winterfell were afraid of her. She didn't think herself dangerous, not unless you crossed her.. And everyone knew not to cross her.

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