chapter four

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"Dragon!!!" The men of Winterfell yelled as a slender red beast soared over the castle. It landed in the courtyard and the blood wyrm let out a loud screech startling those inside. Cregan stood from his seat at the table and ran towards the yard, Rhaella saw him run by her room and quickly followed after him. Brandon and Rodrick also came along. As the group stepped out into the yard they all froze looking up at the red snake. A tall silver haired man stepped off the back and walked up to Cregan and his men. His arms folded over each other as he sighed looking at the young teenage boy.

"Lord Cregan Stark, how nice it is to see you." The rogue prince said sarcastically, his eyes quickly fell to the young violet eyed girl and his gaze slightly softened. "Rhaella.." He whispered at the sight of her. The three boys turned to look at her, realizing this was her father. Rhaellas eyes fell to the floor and she stepped away worriedly, this was reminding her of her dream.

"Prince Daemon, what brings you to Winterfell?" Lord Cregan asked standing tall. He wasn't as big as Daemon so he had to make up for size with his confidence.

"I have come to retrieve my daughter, the King is to naturalize her and make her a lady in court." Daemon said plainly keeping his gaze on the girl. Rhaella looked up into the man's purple eyes, they were cold and dark.

"You can't just take her, she belongs in Winterfell with us." Cregan argued back but the prince wouldn't hear it.

"You will turn over my daughter or Winterfell will be nothing but ash and bone. I swear it." Daemons voice was low and serious, he meant business. The three boys all looked at Rhaella, she looked back at them with fear in her eyes. She didn't want to go, this was her home.

"You have never cared for me a day in your life, Im just a bastard, what makes you think i'll go with you so easily??" Rhaella spoke up stepping toward her father. He rested a hand on her shoulder and looked into her purple eyes.

"I may not have been around but that doesn't mean I never thought about you." He paused moving his finger under his chin. "You look so much like your mother." He whispered as a smile tugged at his lips. Rhaella frowned swatting his hand away.

"You have no right to speak about my mother, you left her alone to raise a baby.. Shes dead now, so don't speak of her!" Rhaella was yelling now, his face alone mad her angry. Maybe she saw a piece of herself in him that she didn't like, his attitude, his eyes, it was a reflection of herself and it made her sick.

"Sweet girl, do not argue with your father. You are to be legitimized, this is a good thing. Now pack your things, we leave immediately." He said stepping away from her and walking back towards Caraxes. She froze as he walked away from her.

"No! I will not go!" She said and Daemon stopped in his tracks. He turned on his feet to look back at her and he smiled.

"I will not hear it, pack. Let's go." He said one last time. Rhaella growled under her breath. She looked back at her friends and they looked at her sadly.

"Maybe you should go.. A lady at court would be a better life than what you have here.." Brandon whispered sadly. He didn't want to admit it but he knew deep down she had no life here.

"No you can't go! What will we do without you?" Rodrick said with wide eyes. Rhaella belonged in Winterfell, she had been here her whole life.

"I will speak to Daemon, alone. Maybe we can work something out.." Cregan said squeezing Rhaellas arm reassuringly before walking towards the prince.

"Is my daughter coming?" Daemon asked as Cregan approached.

"She wishes to stay here, I want her to stay. My prince I.. I need her to stay." Cregan looked towards his feet preparing himself to beg for him to let this go. Cregan reminded himself of all the time he swore to Rhaella he would keep her safe and protect her. He would do anything for her. Daemon just smirked.

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