chapter nine

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As time passed Rhaella became a stronger and smarter fighter. Daemon raised her to be a cold and brutal warrior, but along the way a soft spot grew for the girl. He was cold and callous for many years but something about your first born child changes you. Something in him softened towards her and the two grew closer. Though he continued to push her in her studies and fighting he would always make sure to give her the best advice to protect herself. He did want what was best for her for a time, till the war came. His coldness came back and Raella became his tool once more.

Rhaella was older now and the more she thought about it the more she understood having a dragon was a necessity in this world as a Targaryen. Vermithor was who her father insisted to be her mount. A large beast but old, his last rider had been King Jahaerys after all. Daemon insisted she choose Vermithor, for he could closely match Vhagar in size.

That is not what Rhaella wanted. She had been learning about the wild dragons that were living on Dragonstone and was after none other than The Cannibal. While spending time in the Dragonmont she would take time tracking the beast, hunting him down. The Cannibal had only been seen a few times in the last many years and it was an unspoken rule to leave that dragon be. Rhaella had other plans.

One evening while collecting eggs from the Dragonmont, Rhaella made the decision that she must claim The Cannibal sooner rather than later. She had been keeping track of every move he made and knew he would be on the east side of the Dragonmont, where he often laid. Rhaella came into the dark cave she knew he would be in.

She held up her torch as she softly sang a song her father had taught her in Valyrian. She walked slowly and the coal colored beast came into view in the flames. Her voice stayed soft not to frighten him away. The beast was snoring softly as Rhaella stepped to the dragon.

The cannibals green eyes flashed open but he stayed laying. Rhaella stopped, a few feet from him and his head raised infront of her. The Cannibals nose smoked and his throat began to glow with fire. Rhaella did not move, she stood infront of him with her head high and her singing stopped.

The girl and the monster stood face to face, her hand rose from her side and she followed his glowing eyes in the shadows. The Cannibals fire dimmed and Rhaella knew, right then.

The beast would be hers.

Rhaellas first flight on The Cannibal was marvelous. The Cannibal had no saddle so there was some difficulty in riding him. Rhaella roared with happiness as they circled above Dragonstone.

"The Cannibal! Run!!" Men working screamed as Rhaella flew over there heads laughing. They had been so unaware that she was mounted on him. When Rhaella landed infront of the Dragonkeepers on the side of the mountain they stood back in shock. Daemon had been with them waiting for Rhaellas return. They were shocked to see she had come back with a beast.

"Rhaella?!" Daemon said shocked as she slid off the side of the dragon. Her smile was wide as she stepped to her father and the Dragonkeepers.

"Father." She said with a nod, she looked over at the Dragonkeepers and gave them a smile. "I would like him fit with a saddle on the morrow."

"You do not give orders here girl." Daemon noted quickly. Rhaella chuckled and looked back at The Cannibal who stood loyally behind her.

"I have gained another dragon to our side, you should be pleased." Rhaella spat back at her father. He sighed and looked down at her.

"Yes, the one who eats other dragons should be kept with the rest of them. That makes sense doesnt it." Daemon said sarcastically. Rhaella just huffed at her father.

"He will be fitted with a saddle, and left in the Dragonmont. He is mine now, and he will obey." Rhaella hissed before storming away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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