chapter six

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As time did pass Rhaella was kept under the close eye of Rhaenyra. Rhaella began her studies with Helaena learning high Valyrian with her most afternoons while the princes got to play in the dragon pit. Rhaella was lucky enough to still be able to train with Ser Criston Cole in the field.

"Stay steady on your feet my lady!" Criston instructed as the two slashed swords against one another. Rhaella grunted as she threw her sword at him over and over. Cole blocked her once more throwing her onto the ground. Rhaella yelled as she jumped back up throwing her sword again only to be thrown back down to the ground.

"I hate you!" She shouted throwing her sword to the ground.

"You let your anger fuel your fighting Lady, continue in that and you will never succeed in battle." Cole spoke, putting a hand out for the girl. Rhaella only swatted in away.

"I will never succeed in anything as long as I'm here." Rhaella sighed looking over at the princes sparring one another.

"You torment yourself my Lady. Perhaps the library is where you should spend your time instead of the field." Cole said with a smirk. She only scoffed at him and got up, picking up her sword.

"How about a more suitable apponent. Prince Aegon!" Cole called over the smiling prince who only looked at Rhaella like she were a meal. Rhaella grumbled to herself and held up her sword.

"Don't look so angry, you're not so pretty when you're angry." Aegon laughed. This only fueled her fire.

"Begin!" Cole instructed. The two went at each other like animals. Aemond, Jace, and Luke watched from the sidelines. Rhaella was a brilliant fighter, she'd easily beat any of the boys in combat. But anger often clouded her and she fought harshly and rash. Without the technical part of fighting shed often get brought down by Ser Criston.

Aemond watched Rhaella closely. Her long wavy hair was braided loosely down her back. All he could think about was how pretty she looked, but again he was reminded of what she was. How could he compare her to the Strong bastards though, they never showed him a kindness. Technically neither did Rhaella but there was something about her, something that Aemond couldn't help but be drawn to.

"Use your feet my prince!" Cole called out. Aegon kicked Rhaella hard in the stomach but she did not fall. Rather took it to her advantage. She grabbed Aegons foot and pulled it towards her making him fall to the ground. She held her blade into his throat and smiled at herself.

"Don't pout my prince, you're not so pretty when you pout." She spat at the ground below him and threw her sword aside. This angered Aegon.

"How dare you speak to me that way!" He yelled getting back on his feet and grabbing Rhaella by the braid. She yelled and turned punching Aegon hard in the face. His head flew back but he came back harder and grabbed her throwing her to the ground.

"Enough now!" Cole called out. Not even trying to stop it. It was almost like he had fun watching the two claw at one another. Aegon grabbed her face holding onto her cheeks tightly.

"You are going to pay for laying your hands on a prince!" The two continued to wrestle and claw away at one another.

"Get off of her Aegon!" Aemond called out, trying to do something about what was happening. Nothing worked, they continued fighting. Aegon got himself on top of her once more and punched away at her face. Before he could land another blow Rhaella roared throwing him off of her and jumping onto him. He clawed at her face trying to push her away but that did not work in his favor. Rhaella got her teeth around his right pinkie finger and bit as hard as she could. Aegon screamed so loud that other Kings Guards ran to the scene. Criston Grabbed Rhaellas arm and threw her away from the young prince.

"She bit it off! Its gone! Shes crazy!" Aegon was hollering and crying out to the guards that surrounded him. Blood dripped down Rhaellas mouth and she pulled the digit from her lips. She smirked as the guards dragged her away from the prince.

Aemond watched with wide eyes. Rhaella truly had bitten Aegons entire finger off. Gods something was off with that girl. Aemond couldn't help but be fascinated.

The guards quickly took Rhaella to her chambers and locked her inside. She had just assaulted the prince after all. She held the finger in her own and examined it closely. She thought it rather dainty for a boys hand and chuckled to herself. She hummed to herself and tied a string of leather around it hung it around her neck proudly.

Then King Viserys and Queen Alicent arrived blowing open the door. The first thing they saw was a bloody smiling girl with their sons figure around her neck.

"Oh, seven hells." Viserys could've been sick at the sight.

"What have you done?? Mutilated another one of my sons!" Alicent was as furious as a mother could be. This girl had sliced Aemonds hand open, now shed bitten off Aegons finger in a matter of months. Alicent grabbed her by the arm and dragged her close so she could look right into her violet eyes.

"Alicent!" Viserys said banging his cane on the floor.

"You are a plague to Kings Landing and I will have you locked away until your Un-loyal, lousy example of a father comes to claim you!" Alicent spat into the girls face.

"I'm sure you will, Your Grace." Rhaella hissed at the woman.

"No more of this!" Viserys interrupted before Alicent could go on. "Unhand her now." He said. Alicent calmed herself and closed her eyes taking a deep breath and letting go of the girl.

"Rhaella what you did was unjust, you will no longer be allowed to train with the boys. You may do so at a different hour." Viserys sighed, not even wanting to deal with the matter.

"That is all?" Alicent argued. Viserys gave her a glare and walked away. Alicent looked down at the girl like she was nothing more than dirt and stormed away. Rhaella looked down at the finger tied around her neck. She did not care about the havoc she wreaked on The Queen, they never took a liking to one another.

Later that night, Aemond carefully snuck out of his room and across the hall to Rhaellas. He knocked softly on the door to quickly have it opened to a messy haired Rhaella. She mustve already been in bed.

"Prince Aemond? Sorry, I just assumed it was Luke." She said with a yawn. Aemonds eyes furrowed, why would Luke be here of all people.

"Luke sees you? Often?" He asked feeling some sort of rage inside at the idea.

"He likes it when I read to him, says it helps him to get to sleep." Rhaella said softly. Her voice almost echoed in the quiet halls. Aemond wanted to roll his eyes, he hated that little strong. "Why are you here?" She said into the quiet.

"I uh, I just wanted to make sure you were okay after what happened in the field." He said with his head down. Rhaella smirked.

"I am just fine, I'm the one who still has all my parts." She said wiggling her fingers. Aemond couldn't help but laugh. Aegon was his brother but they were not close, a part of him even thought Aegon deserved it.

"You fight very well, as a lady I would not think it of you." Aemond went on, keeping his hands crossed behind his back. Rhaella raised an eyebrow.

"Do you not think girls can fight?" She asked almost stunned. The men of Kings Landing were not used to the women of The North she guessed. Women often learned to use a sword where she was from. Aemond laughed awkwardly.

"I am just pleased you're all right, I will leave you to sleep." Aemond said giving her a small smile. She nodded at him.

"Goodnight, Aemond." She whispered.

"Goodnight, Rhaella." He whispered back and she closed her door. He smiled softly and he looked down at the floor before heading back to his chambers.

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