"Yeah,yeah I promise."

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Guy Germaine POV:

I walked out of Mickeys to see Indie sitting alone on the bench. I walked over to the bench and sat down next to her.

"Hey.." She looked at me, but didn't say a word. She looked back down at her hands. "Look, I know you're mad at me, but can we just talk?"

"What is there to talk about??" She asked. "You left me. Again. And I moved on. What more is there to say?"

"I just...I just wanted to say I'm sorry." She pursed her lips and kept looking down.

"How can I trust you again?" She asked sincerely. "I really want to, Guy, but who's to say you won't leave the second Connie tells you to?"

"We're not together anymore." I replied.

"What if you get back together? What then?" She asked angrily.

"Look, I let her go because she was controlling my life. I would have broken up with her much sooner, but I didn't wanna be alone." I confessed.

"I guess I can't understand that. Not wanting to be alone.. I get it. Probably better than anyone." She sighed. "Y'know what sucks the most about all this?"

"What?" I asked.

"The fact that McGill was right. He said everyone leaves me. He was right. Just as I was getting you back, you left." I saw the tears forming in her eyes.

"Honestly, I regretted it that day after coach left. I regretted it everyday. I'm really, really sorry. I'll never do that again." I told her.

"You promise?" She asked sincerely.

"Yeah, yeah I promise." I replied.

"Thank God. You have no idea how much this hurt me. To not be able to talk to you, or look at you." She mentioned.

I got up and gave her a hug and she hugged me back.

"Wanna come over for dinner?" I asked reluctantly. "I get it if not, Y'know? I mean, it was stupid to ask, never mind."

"Actually, I would love to. I've eaten dinner alone for the past 2 weeks, so, it would be nice to have some company." I was shocked. One thing that I could never shake about Indie, was how forgiving she was.

She had such a big heart and valued the people in her life. She would take any opportunity to get them back, and once she did get them back, she didn't waste any time spending every waking moment with them. That's what I love about her.

Indie and I walked to my house together, but it didn't seem awkward. She was joking with me and laughing. I know I didn't deserve another chance but I was so happy that she took a chance on me.

We walked up to the door and went inside.

"Hey mom!" I called out.

"Hi, baby! I'm making dinner, it should be ready soon." She called back. I looked to Indie and put a finger over my lips to indicate being quiet. My mom didn't know she was here. I wanted to kind of 'surprise' her.

We waited in the living room till she said dinner was ready.

We had to read each other's lips so my mom don't hear us talking.

"Dinners ready! Come eat." She announced.

"Mom, can I invite a friend over for dinner?" I asked.

"Sure, that's fine."

"Ok, good, because she's already here." I told her. Her eyes widened.

"She? It's a girl?" She asked urgently.

"Yeah. Don't freak out." I voiced as Indie walked into the room.

"Oh my! Indiana!" She exclaimed while getting up to give her a hug. "It's been so long!"

"Happy to be back." Indie answered.

"Since when are you two friends?" She asked in disbelief.

"Since..today."  I answered.

"Oh, wow! Thank God!" She exclaimed.

We sat down to eat and it was like Indie and I had never stopped being friends. It was great. My mom couldn't stop smiling the whole dinner. Neither could I. I should have never let her go.

After dinner Indie and I went downstairs to watch a show. We flipped through the channels before settling on rugrats. I think she requested it as a stab to me. I didn't mind though. We used to watch rugrats together all the time when we were kids. She used to make fun of me for watching it when I got older, but I think she secretly liked it.

At around 7:30, Indie and I put on our skates and decided to go to our spot.

We skated to a grassy area that had a water front. We always went get together to watch the sunset, feed the ducks, do homework, etc. We hadn't been in a while. As we sat down on the grass, she just flopped backwards.

"Remember when I taught myself gymnastics up here?" She asked while laughing. I laid back next to her.

"Yeah, you tried to do a front walkover and sprained your ankle." I reminded her.

"Oh, yeah. Good times." She joked. "Do you think I could still do it?"

"Still? You were never able to do it in the first place." I teased.

"Yes I did, you just never got to see it." She told me. "I'm gonna try."

She got up and got into the stance to do a front walkover.

"Indie. That's not a good idea." I warned.

"Shh!" She leaves forward and flipped over, but got stuck. She couldn't stand back up so she was stuck there in a back bend.

She gently lowered herself to the ground and sat back up.

"Told ya." I taunted.

"I'm just a little rusty. At least I didn't sprain my ankle again." She shot back.

"Thank God for that." She nodded her head and laughed. "You took up so many hobbies and never went through with them."

"I did too! I stayed with lots of my hobbies." She argued.

"Ok, what about: dance, acting, guitar, piano, baking-"

"Don't knock my baking. I make a wicked cake." She defended.

"Oh, my bad." I teased.

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