"What? I like rock n roll."

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Indiana James POV

The next morning I woke up so, incredibly, excited to meet the new team.

I was getting ready when around 8:50, I get a knock at my window. I looked out it to see Charlie and Adam infront of it. I walk over to open the window for them.

They climbed in and hopped down off the windowsill.

"Where we're you last night, missy?" Charlie interrogated.

"What'd you mean?" I asked innocently.

"We came to your window at 6:30, and you weren't there." Adam added.

"I was having dinner with a friend." I confessed.

"Indie, we're your only friends." Charlie reasoned.

"First of all:harsh... second of all: I have friends who aren't you two." I defended.

"Like who?" Charlie asked urgently, almost as if he was thing to solve a crime.

"Easy there, Nancy Drew." I teased. "I was just at Guys house."

"What?!" Adam shouted. "Since when are you two friends?"

"Since yesterday. We talked." I shrugged while rummaging through my clothing baskets for the shirt I wanted to wear.

"You two are so confusing." Charlie voiced while flipping on my bed.

"Ah, they just have lovers quarrels now and again." Adam meddled.

"Shut up. They're not lovers quarrels." I shot back. "Anyway, can you guys get out for a sec?"

"Why?" Adam asked while sitting in my bed next to Charlie. "I don't wanna leave."

"Ok, Banks, would you rather watch me get dressed?" I asked sarcastically.

"I'm out." He said while getting up from my bed and out my door.

"Well..." Charlie started. I glared at him."Never mind." He said while following Adam.

"Idiots." I mumbled.

I had gotten dressed into black cargos and a graphic tee. Nothing fancy. I invited the boys back into my room after I was done changing.

"Ok, uhm. Can you guys pack my hockey bag while do makeup?" I asked sweetly.

"You're not wearing makeup right now?" Charlie asked.

"No? Do you not see the bags under my eyes?" I asked sarcastically. "Anywho, I'm so excited!"

"Yeah, I'm excited to go all the way to LA." Adam

"I totally forgot about that, ah that's gonna be so much fun!" I squealed.

The more we talked about it, the more antsy I became. I glanced at the clock probably every five minutes, just hoping time was passing by quicker than it felt.

10:00 could not have come sooner. Coach called us to be there at 10:30 but it takes a little to get there and we wanted to be able to change in the locker room there.

We skated to the ice rink as fast as we could. We could not wait. Adam, Char and I were the first to arrive. We waited outside the rink till coach arrived.

"Hey, guys! What are you doing here so early? It's only 10:15." Coach asked.

"We just wanted time to put our stuff down and skate before the others got here." I told him.

"Okay, sounds good. Let's go inside." We followed coach inside and raced for the locker room.

I ran inside, just so no one would take my locker. My locker was the biggest one in the back from the Locker room. I threw my bag in there and took out all my stuff.

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