"Someones happy."

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Guy Germaine POV:

We all turned around to see coach making his way to the bench.

"Come on, guys. What do we got to lose?" I reasoned.

"Respect! He dump us the minute it's all over." Fulton argued. I nodded, agreeing with him. But I didn't wanna believe coach wasn't who we all thought he was.

"Come on in! Let's go. Come on!" He called out. We reluctantly skated over to him. "Team, guys, I was wrong, and I'm sorry. I forgot about the team. And the team is all I have. All I want.. is another chance. Just one more shot, I'm back. Okay? And I promise I'll never give up on the team again." I saw him turn to Indie, indicating that she was right. It was him who gave up on the team. Not her. She gave him a half smile.

We let up and gave coach another chance. At some point during the game I was in the box and I head coach ask Indie why she wasn't in the game.

"Broken ribs and a bruised lung." She replied bluntly.

"When did that happen?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"During the game against Iceland. When you wouldn't sub me out, remember?" She retorted.

"Man. I really suck, don't I?" He confessed. She gave him a look that confirmed that he did, indeed, suck. "I'm really sorry, Indiana. I didn't mean anything I said to you. You are the hardest worker on the team and you didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you. I hope you can forgive me."

She looked down, contemplating wether or not she should forgive him. She finally looked back up and faintly smiled at him.

"Don't sweat it, coach. All is forgiven." He smiled at her while letting out a sigh of relief.

Long story short, we won that game against Germany after we used our signature move 'the flying V''.

I walked over to Indie after the game and smiled at me.

"You did great today, as always." She complimented.

"Thanks. Still wish you were out there playing with us too." She looked down and played with her hands.

"Yeah..me too. This whole recovery thing really bites." She crossed her arms and looked down. "I really wanted to show everyone what I could do. I mean, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I'm just...I'm gonna miss out."

"Indie,you are the best player I've ever seen. There is no way you are gonna go through life and not get noticed." I looked behind her because I was taken aback by who was coming over to come talk to Indie.

"Hey..can we talk?" Connie asked Indie. She looked back at me and then nodded at Connie. "Ok good. I just..I wanted to apologise..for how I've been acting toward you. I was being a complete jerk for no reason and it really wasn't fair. I'm over everything now, ever since I started talking to Luis it made me realise that I had no reason to be upset with you or Guy. I really hope we can be...friends?" She asked reluctantly.

"Thank you for apologising I really appreciate it. And I would love to be friends." Connie sighed and smiled big at Indie. They both hugged and Connie began to walk off. "One more thing." Connie turned back around to face her. "You and Luis?"

She laughed to herself. "You'll have to come by my dorm tonight so I can fill you in."

Indie turned back to me and smiled.

"Someone's happy." I noted.

"Ugh, I am! It feels so good to not have anyone hate me! I feel so free." This was the happiest I had seen here since we even got here. "I am so ready for bed. Let's go." She grabbed my hand and dragged me with her to go back to the dorms.

"I am so glad I stayed." She announced. "I mean. I feel great, Y'know, besides the broken ribs, like for once in like weeks, I'm not completely drained. I can finally appreciate the good things I have."

"Oh yeah? What are the good things?" I asked.

"Well, for starters, coach isn't a complete ass anymore, and Connie doesn't hate me. I have great friends. And, I have you.." I turned to her after she mentioned me.

"Me?" I questioned.

"Of course. This is gonna sound weird, but it's like we've both had this invisible string attached to each other and even though we've gotten caught or tangled sometimes we finally found our way to eachother.. Y'know what I mean?" She questioned. She had explained just how I have felt for years.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. You have taken my feelings that have lasted for years and put them into words. How do you do that?"

"I dunno. I've always just thought that. It just always made sense."

I looked down at her. She was so beautiful, I mean, she always had been beautiful. She amazed me in everything she does. Maybe it's just a guy thing but I've always felt like I would just figure my life out as I go along, but the only thing that I had figured out from the get go, was her. I always know it was gonna be her. I was always going to choose her. That we would find my way back to eachother no matter what.

Despite my constant denial, and shutting my mom down every she had mentioned something like this, deep down I knew it was true.

Her everyone it's CeeCee. Im SO sorry I haven't updated in a while. I just started school and have been so distracted recently. I'm trying to keep on top of this story as much as I can but I do have some bad news:
I usually post after day-every few days but since my schedule is filling up I will have to switch to publishing 1 chapter a week. I'm so sorry!! Love you all!

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