"Then why are you disturbing me?"

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A/n!: in the third book at Eden hall should Indiana be on varsity with Adam or stay on JV with the rest??

Guy Germaine POV:

I woke up the morning of our flight at 3:05, after snoozing my alarm clock for about 3 times. I rolled out of bed and didn't even bother getting dressed, because I wanted to be comfortable on the plane.

I went to my bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair, and by do my hair, I mean run my fingers through it.

My mom and I left the house at 3:30 to go to the airport and we got there around 3:55.

My mom dropped me off and I walked in, just to he greeted by coach, Miss MacKay, Mr.Tibbles, and all the new players.

"Hey, Guy." Coach greeted as he yawned.

"Hey,coach." I answered tiredly.

"Here's your ticket." He handed me the slip of paper.

About 5 minutes after I got there Indie walked with Adam. She looked more tired than ever. She was wearing black shorts, a zip up hoodie, and her glasses. Her hair was in a loose ponytail and it was falling out of the rubber band.

"Hey, guys." She greeted.

"You look well rested." I teased.

"Thanks to Adam here, I only got an hour of sleep." She rolled her eyes.

"Here, Banks, Indiana." Coach handed them their tickets. She looked down at her ticket and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I have no idea what any of this means." She flipped her ticket on the other side and then flipped it back. Adam took her ticket and looked at it.

"You're in seat 13A. Nice, you got a window seat." He handed it back to her.

"I don't wanna have to sit with a stranger!" She whined.

"The changes of that are very slim." Mr.Tibbles explained that they got everyone's seat right next to eachother and made sure all of us weren't sat with strangers.

"Thank God. Now who's in seat 13B?" She asked urgently

"I'm 12A. So, I'll be right in front of you."Adam said. I pulled out my ticket to see that my seat was 13B.

"I'm in 13B." I told her. She started jumping up and down and celebrating that she wasn't by a stranger.

I looked over to Bombay who winked at me. I looked confused for a second, then understood it was his doing that we were seated together.

After going through TSA we finally boarded the plane.

Adam, Jesse, and Dwayne were infront of us and in mine and Indies row we had Kenny next to us. We lucked out, no strangers next to us, Indie could not have been happier.

As take off got closer, I could tell Indie was getting more tense. It was her first on a plane so she was freaking a little bit.

One of the flight attendants started talking into the speakers and told us to prepared for take off. Seatbelts, chair in upright position etc.

Indie was picking at her hands. She always psyched herself out before stuff like this, so being her friend, I took her hand into mine and held it. She started to calm down once we were in the air, but she didn't let go of my hand. She ended up drifting to sleep, and so did I.

We were only waken up by a flash. We opened our eyes and looked up at Jesse who was taking a picture of us. Indie rubbed her eyes and groaned.

"Did we land?" She asked.

"No." Jesse answered.

"Then why are you disturbing me?" She asked angrily.

"Had to take a picture of this adorable encounter." Jesse gawked.

"What encounter?" She asked. He pointed to our hands and she looked down and pulled hers away. I laughed as her face went red. "Go away, Jesse" she demanded while closing her eyes again.

"Here,Guy. You can put it in your wallet or something." Jesse teased while hanging me the Polaroid he just took of us. I put it in my pocket and rolled my way at Jesse.

A few hours later,the plane finally landed. I woke Indie up to get off the plane and she was not happy to be awake.

"Why did you have to wake me up?" She asked while yawning.

"The plane landed. Did you want him to leave you there?" Adam asked as we got off the plane.

"Was that an option?" She asked genuinely. Indie valued her sleep more then anyone I knew, she could-and would sleep anywhere.

We went to go get our luggage. After we did, Mr.Tibbles told us our ride was outside. We followed him to a huge limo. Everyone's jaws dropped. We left our bags next to it because Tibbles had also hired some people to load it,I guess.

We all piled into the limo and everyone was so excited. The seats were made of leather. Indie sat between me and Adam, and surprise,surprise, she fell asleep again. She had her arms crossed and her glasses were slipping down her nose. Charlie leaned over Adam and looked over at her and laughed.

"How late did you keep her up last night, Adam?" He asked while looking at Indie.

"She's full of it." Adam teased. "She kept me up."

We arrived at the Goodwill Games dorms where we were staying. We got out of the limo and collected our luggage and we're greeted by our dorm advisors. Coach had went off somewhere with Tibbles to see where he was going to he staying.

"Hey, guy, I'm Eric and this is Molly, we're your DA's for the time being. During the day you are free to do what ever you want, but we ask that you at back at the dorms by 9:30. Here's your sleeping situation." He handed out a sheet of paper that told us who we would be dorming with.

We all walked into the dorming hall and searched for our rooms, I was walking down the hallway when I heard a groan. I turned to see Indies face turning red.

I walked over to her and asked her what happened.

"They put me with the boys. Not with the girls." She grumbled. She walked over to Molly and told her what happened.

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