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Guy Germaine POV:

After calming Indie down, we finally went to bed. Seeing the smile on her face that night was worth more than any amount of money. I had a lot of catch up to do. To make it up to her. Indie hasn't ever really had many people stay consistent in her life. I know I haven't been, but I wanted to try.

The next morning I woke up at 7:18. I pulled the blankets over my head to get just a few more minutes of sleep. We had a game against Italy at 3:30 that day.

After deciding to get up at 7:30, I had went to go get dressed.

After getting dressed I walked out the door to go get breakfast with Jesse. We walked down the hallway before I was stopped by a voice coming from behind me. I turned around to see Connie walking towards me. I told Jesse to go ahead and I'd catch up.

"What's up?" I asked. She looked down, then back up at me.

"Can we talk for a sec?" She asked.

"Uhm, yeah sure. What's wrong?" I asked, noticing the scowl on her face.

"I know we're not together anymore, but uh, I saw you and Indiana last night. In the hallway.."

"Oh.." I muttered quietly.

"Yeah..uhm, I just feel really betrayed, Guy." She answered genuinely.

"Why? We're not together anymore and it's not like me and Indie we're doing anything." I replied.

"I know, but, I can't help but think that the entire time you and I were together, you were really in love with her. You shouldn't have wasted my time." She looked hurt. I knew she wasn't going this to be petty, she just felt betrayed.

"I'm not in love with her."

"You are." She objected. "And that's okay. I just- I wish you would have told me."

"Connie, I'm not in love with her." I argued.

"Ok, well, in love or not, the team made me feel like an idiot for making you cut her off, but now it seems like I was doing the right thing." She went on. "So even if your not in love with her, she obviously feel something for you! And had you not cut her off you cannot tell me she wouldn't have tried to put a move on you."

"She wouldn't have." I defended.

"Yeah, right." She scoffed.

"You don't know her the way I do." I projected.

"I don't have to. I know the type when I see it." She rolled her eyes.

"Clearly you don't." I argued. "Because she's not like that."

"That's not what I saw last night." She shouldered me as she walked away angrily. I clenched my jaw. She loved to be difficult and blame everyone else around her for her own insecurities. I didn't deserve that. Neither did Indie.

I felt red hot rage wash over me. She had no right to talk about Indie that way. Especially since we aren't together anymore. She always flirted with other guys when we were together, she was always so fickle.

I had let the argument go. I ignored it for most of the day. When we had the game against Italy it was even more awkward. I had let Indie know about Connie and I's dispute and she was less than happy about it. The entire game Connie was so difficult. Refusing to pass to us, or even look at us. It's a miracle we even won.

"I'm gonna say something to her." Indie said.

"No, don't!" I begged.

"Why not? We are playing on an international level, now isn't the time to be petty. Like I get she's mad but don't put the teams success at risk." She whispered angrily. Her face went all red, just like it always did when she was mad.

"I know, but it'll only make her madder. Then she will be more petty. Just let it go." I told her.

"Fine." She agreed. She exhaled quickly out her nose and unclenched her jaw. "Let's just go before I explode."

"Okay." I said while I laughed at her fury. She grabbed  my arm and left the arena. "Where are we going?"

"Back to the dorms to get bathing suits. We're going to the beach with Charlie, Kenny, Luis, Portman and Fulton." She told me.

"Oh, ok."

We walked together to the dorm to get changed into different clothes for go to the beach.

"You ready?" I called out.

"Almost!" She called back. About twenty seconds later she came out of her room in jean shorts and a pink cropped short sleeved top. "Ok, let's go."

We walked out of the room where we were met by the rest of the group.

We walked to the beach and it was petty empty. We had passes to a private beach (provided by Hendrix, of course).

Indie laid out her towel and took off her shirt and shorts leaving her only in a bathing suit. A flattering blue and white striped one piece (a/n: think of Ali's suit from the karate kid 😉)

"Indiana, aren't you gonna play frisbee with us?" Kenny asked.

"No way. I saw the picture of us in the paper, I look sooo pasty!" She whined. "Gotta get some color."

We all shared a look of 'girls are weird' before commencing our frisbee game.

"Indie come on. At least play one round with us." I pleased. She lifted her sunglasses to look at me. She threw her head back and groaned.

"Fine." She agreed while standing up. She slipped her clothes back on. "You guys are children." She remarked.

"Just say you're boring and move on." She laughed and rolled her eyes.

After playing for a while she suggested walking on the pier that was behind us. We gathered our stuff and started walking along the pier. We were stopped nearly every 3 minutes because Indie saw a store she wanted to go in.

I looked over at her as we walked down the pier and noticed she had a hat on.

"When did you get that?" I asked her. She smiled mischievously at me.

"I swiped it from the kiosk back there. Cute right?" She adjusted the hat on her head.

"You stole it?" I asked in disbelief.

"Borrowed." She corrected. "Check it out." She opened her bag to reveal her bag nearly full of stuff that she had just 'borrowed'.

"Indie, you can't be stealing. What if you get caught?" I asked worried.

"Relax." She said nonchalantly. "Here, I got you something." She tossed me a shirt that said 'I <3 my dog'.

"Gee. Thanks." I said sarcastically. She looked at me and laughed.

"I knew you'd like it." She teased.

"I don't even have a dog." I commented.

"Then get one." She shrugged. "Here. Here's your real present." She tossed me a bag of hand made steel rings and a bottle of some fancy cologne. I looked at the price tag to see that it was $112.50.

"Indie. This is really expensive. You have to bring it back." I told her.

"Guy, look. My dad didn't have much money to give me, but I wanted to get you something to say thank you. Y'know, for getting me the perfume.Please just keep it." She begged.

"Fine, but if somehow they find out you stole half the piers merchandise, I'm telling the cops I don't know you." I warned.


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