5. Ana

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"Ana, this is so sweet and so unexpected! I would absolutely love to have you come help at one of the shelters! What day of the week would work best for your Orientation?" Aunt Melody always sounded a bit rushed and breathless when she spoke, like she had a billion thoughts inside of her mind that she was trying to get out all at once. I think a lot of people probably thought that made her seem scattered or ditzy, but I'd grown to realize that it was because she was far too intelligent for most.

She sometimes intimidated me, in a good way. Like she was really approachable and kind—in that Cool Aunt way I always imagined for myself—but also a genius. Sexy in an understated, confident way that became more apparent the more time you spent around her.

My mom was my number one role model, my Queen. But Aunt Melody was for sure a close second. (I'd never ever confess that to either of my grandmothers or my other aunts, though. They were queens, too, but in different ways.)

Aunt Melody just seemed to know something about just about everything, especially technology. And about defending and protecting women.

After I got home from my grandparents' house, I called her half-heartedly, mostly just wanting something different to keep me distracted and "give me purpose." But the more she spoke, the more excited she got. And then the more excited I got.

I had a feeling good things would come of this.

"Ummm. Ok let me see... I have to work until 5 on weekdays, but I have some vacation and sick time saved up. I could play hooky tomorrow and come talk?" I'd earned my college degree in marketing, after changing my major like 3 times. It was interesting, and I was good at what I did. But I was basically just going through the motions at this job until I got my trust fund. Only like a year and a half-ish to go.

Daniel was a CEO, making millions by going the corporate route. Literally walking the same path as our sperm donor. But that high-level corporate shit had never appealed to me. It seemed to be killing his soul, one unnecessary meeting at a time.

Aaliyah and I always said we wanted to travel and be spoiled little trust fund babies, turning stupid "passion projects" and whims into a career. Like those celebrities who made weird, pseudoscience-y wellness products that made your vagina smell like pineapples or made your sweat taste like candy.

Then we'd become philanthropists and change the world together. With no men and no kids holding us back.

...But that was before Jonathan. So who knew what the future held now?

"That's entirely up to you, babe. But if you'd rather not use up your sick days, you could always come in on the weekends! I do tend to take the weekends off, now, though. When I can. I've been doing this for years, and my personal life has taken a back seat for too long, so...some changes needed to be made." She sounded a little guilty about that, but it was completely understandable. After over 25 years of fighting for women, she deserved a break.

"I'm happy you made that choice for yourself, Aunt Mel. Don't feel bad about that! If me coming to help on the weekends means you get more time off, that just makes me all the more excited to come help," I told her earnestly. And I meant every word. I knew how much she'd helped my mom, before I was born. I saw for myself what an incredible friend she'd been to her all these years. It felt nice, knowing I could possibly make her life a little less stressful. If only for a week or two.

"I really appreciate that, Ana. But just know, if you do decide to come on the weekend, it'll have to be someone else training you. Most likely Liam, Theo, or Everly." Men worked there, too??

"Sometimes my sister Harmony comes in, too, but usually when we have events. If you're interested in helping with events or more of the behind-the-scenes stuff, she'll be the one to train you."

"Ok, that's no problem! I've met Harmony before. And uh...as long as Liam, Theo and Everly are cool, I'll be fine." Probably.

"Yes, they're all really great! We do level 3 background checks on everyone, of course. I'll have to do one on you, too, just as a formality. Everly works mostly with the mothers, in counseling. Theo works closely with the kids. He's great with them and very protective. It's really sweet. And Liam, Theo's best friend, helps a lot with clerical work. He also helps with translating, when we have non-English speakers. Everyone will help you out, though, Ana. We're always happy to have new volunteers."

My heart soared as I pictured myself amongst these caring people. I desperately needed this distraction. Desperately needed to get out of this house, out of my own head. Focusing on helping others, teaching and learning and contributing to someone's new beginning sounded like the perfect way for me to forge my own path.

Find my own way to glow. My own unique way to experience a happy ending, without romance.

Without Aaliyah.

"It sounds awesome, Aunt Mel. I'll come in tomorrow to chat with you—I'll bring lunch—and then I can come in on Saturday? Or whenever my background check is done?" I really hoped it would be done before Saturday, or else I was looking at another weekend of being bored out of mind with friends I'd partially outgrown or possibly another ho-hum hookup with my safety fuck, Zachary, whom I hadn't seen in a while.

I heard the front door open, followed by Kayden's cheerful laughter, my mom's quiet giggle, and Aaliyah's soft voice uttering a reply. The sound of quiet arguing, then approaching footsteps distracted me from what Aunt Melody was saying, but I caught the tail end of it.

"Sometimes longer. But in most cases, about a week. We can go over more tomorrow when you come in. Let's say around 11:30? I have to leave to go speak at an event around 1..." She was still talking, and I was jotting down the key points, but not really listening.

Someone was knocking on my bedroom door.

"Ok, sounds great! I'm so sorry, but I have to go. But I'll see you tomorrow at 1:30! I'll bring sushi!"

"No, I said 11:30, Ana! I won't be there after 1. 11:30 at the West LA location—"

The knocking grew more urgent. I could clearly hear Aaliyah and Kayden arguing quietly behind the door.

"Ok right! West LA! I'll see you tomorrow. Love you! Can't wait!"

I hung up just as the door opened.

"Wow, guys, way to wait for me to let you—"

"We came to apologize," Aaliyah blurted, wringing her hands, her kind eyes filling with tears. She stepped into the room, followed by Kayden, who was also looking a bit sheepish.

"Yeah, sis," Kayden said, standing directly in front of where I sat on my bed. "We're sorry. Really. Daniel probably is too. Most likely."


"And...I'd like to talk," Aaliyah added, sitting down next to me on my bed, glancing awkwardly at Kayden. "Privately."

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