22. Ana

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Oh my fucking God.

I feel so fucking stupid!!!!

This is partially why I don't even fucking bother with dating! I don't get my heart broken if I don't ever give anyone the power to fucking break it.

I have guy friends. Fuck friends. And then we go on with our merry little fucking lives—separately—and stupid thoughts about monogamy or whatever the fuck I would've had if I was with TWO men—

My phone would not stop buzzing.

I made it to the elevator maybe 10 seconds before Theo came barreling after me. The doors just barely closed in time. Just barely started moving in time, despite him pounding on the doors and jamming his finger on the button, begging me to come back.

And then came the ringing.

And ringing. And ringing. And goddamned motherfucking annoying-ass ringing.

So I put my phone on silent.

...And now, the buzzing.

I was already at the gate, in my little Volkswagen, waiting behind a long line of luxury vehicles who were all heading out on a crisp Friday evening.

Probably going out on dates and stupid, pointless, basic shit like that.

The line of vehicles at the gate was moving at a normal pace before, but now it was crawlingggg. I didn't understand how. The exit gate usually opened automatically. Did someone's $700,000 Lamborghini break down on the way out? Now, of all times??

I just wanted to get the fuck out of here and cry in peace—alone—and then I could show up at the shelter tomorrow morning and pretend like nothing had happened.

"Oh, did you and Liam spend the night with another stupid-hot supermodel/professional athlete/astronaut/philanthropist/cancer research doctor? And you love her?! Sounds so fun! Tell me all about it! No, I'm not crying, it's just allergies!"

My phone would not stop fucking buzzing. I swiped the tears off my cheeks, probably streaking makeup across my face, took a deep, semi-calming breath, and finally accepted the call. Just to stop the freaking buzzing for 30 seconds.

"Hey, Theo," I answered, trying to sound airy and casual and normal. We're just two bros, shooting the shit, having a breezy conversation.

"Ana what the fuck just happened? Where are you going?" He replied breathlessly.

"Nothing happened! Um. I uh. I just forgot I was supposed to..." Supposed to what??? Think, Ana! "Um...I was supposed to... go see Zachary tonight. That's why I left so quickly..."

"Ana...Who. The. Fuck. Is. Zachary?" Theo growled, his tone... virtually unrecognizable. I gulped anxiously, jittery all of a sudden. I'd never heard sweet, carefree, Labrador Theo sound so... Angry? No. That wasn't—I don't even think "mad" or "angry" would suffice at all.

Irate. He sounded fucking irate.


Murderous, even.

Was he jealous??

It sent a weird thrill down my spine. Goosebumps erupted up and down my arms.

"Turn around, Ana," Theo seethed. "That girl you saw just now was my si—"

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I quickly ended the call, then disconnected my phone from the car's Bluetooth.

A text immediately popped up on my phone:

A text immediately popped up on my phone:

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