28. Ana

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They were finally asleep.

I still hadn't given them an answer. I told them I'd think about it, and they seemed mostly ok with that response. They probably felt bad because I was a sweaty, overstimulated, cum-covered mess right now.

My clit had a pulse, after all the extra special attention it'd gotten tonight.

Liam ended up fucking me one more time, saying shit about how they were being "so nice" to me for our first time, but soon I'll be getting plugs in my ass, and I'm not going to be able to walk for a week, once they really break me in.

That garnered another confusing, terrified-but-turned-on reaction from me. If tonight wasn't "really breaking me in", then I was going to need an actual wheelchair once the "breaking me in" began in earnest.

Theo played with my breasts while Liam was fucking me/terrifying me/turning me on, and we made out.  Sloppily. Cue more orgasms, more overstimulated crying, cum and hickeys and bodily fluids, etc etc.

Incredible night. Zero complaints.

...Ok, so actually.

Maybe just one complaint. A tiny one.

One that—like I said—really didn't even bother me much. At first. Until we were lying on damp sheets, sweaty and panting loudly, sleepily basking in the warm glow of our love. I know I smelled like cum and sex, but I could not bring myself to care, truthfully. Or to move. My limbs felt stiff and heavy. My pussy ached. I literally thought I might cry—or throw hands—if my clit got touched one more time tonight.

So we put off the much-needed shower. We were all snuggled up, with Theo's arm wrapped around my waist and Liam's leg wedged in between mine. I was stroking their broad, muscular backs, listening to their breathing evening out as they each fell asleep. My eyes were growing heavy, too, the exhaustion settling deep into my bones, when I was jolted awake by the sound of my phone going off.

I groaned loudly, not wanting to move. My phone was on one of the bedside tables, closest to Theo. Way too far from me.

So Theo wordlessly reached over and grabbed it, then handed it to me, without even opening his eyes.

"Thanks, Theo," I whispered happily, strangely touched. Maybe I could get used to living like this...

I glanced at my phone, and I could see that Aaliyah had sent me a few texts. I hadn't even thought about my phone all night; she was probably dying to hear about how my "talk" had gone with the guys.

Aaliah: Sooooo how did it go?

Aaliyah: Tell me you didnt change ur mind about talking to them plzzz

Aaliyah: Ffs. I'm dying rn. Jonathan's parents keep talking about the stock market. Ugh 🤢 Give me teaaaa

Aaliyah: you haven't read any of these texts yet, so I'm hoping you're getting ducked down 🫢 Can't wait to hear EVERYTHING! So excited. 😵‍💫 Love you!

Aaliyah: * DICKED down 🙄

I chuckled a little, somewhat giddy that I did actually have exciting news to share with her. Never mind the fact that I almost didn't, because I was about to hightail it the fuck out of here and never look back, after catching a glimpse of Theo's stunning sister. Aaliyah didn't need to know that part. Yet. It's not like she didn't know that I tend to run away from vulnerable moments.

But I definitely needed to reply. A phone call would be best, but that was not happening, with the way my body screamed at me every time I even thought about getting up. I really, really needed (and wanted) to sleep.

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