43. Ana

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This entire chapter is just foreplay. 🫣

"Don't fuck with me right now, Ana. I'm legitimately worried about you and your family."

"What the hell?!" I tossed my hands up in confusion. "Why would I joke about this?" I eased my legs off the couch and stood up, pissed off and ready to fight. I think I just had some adrenaline fueled up from thinking I was going to get eaten out and/or railed again, but since that was apparently shelved for the time being, I was ready to yell.

"We just—we asked you about moving in a week ago, and you freaked out and wouldn't talk to us. Remember? ONE week ago. I wouldn't think you'd just change your mind so suddenly." Theo lifted himself up off the couch and stood to his full height, dwarfing me. I glared up at him and folded my arms across my chest, annoyed that he decided to stand up, too.

Stupid fucking tall people.

"Well a lot has changed in the last week. In the last day, really! I told you I was all in! And uh, hello? You don't think my narcissistic, insane sperm donor being released from prison is a little concerning to me, too?"

"Yeah, but you also said, earlier today, that being a pregnant housewife, possibly having to iron and cook and shit, was your worst nightmare. Not your father getting out of prison and ruining your life. Being domesticated."

"And I still feel that way!" Although Alessandro getting out of prison was probably equally as scary. "But you both assured me that that wouldn't be my future if I moved in with you guys. Are you saying you were lying to me? Or do you just think it's a bad idea now?" My chin quivered, so I turned my head away, glaring at him from the corners of my eyes.

"No, of course not!" His expression suddenly softened, his lips curling into a small, but genuine, smile. "I think it's an excellent idea... I'm just astonished that you actually trusted us, when we said we're not going to turn you into a Stepford Wife." He huffed out a short chuckle, stepping closer to me with his arms held out, ready to pull me into his embrace.

But I held my ground, keeping my arms folded and my side-eye unflinching.

"You really think I would have let you tie me up, blindfold me, and toss a fucking coin to decide who's allowed to fuck me all day, if I believed that you secretly wanted to impregnate me and have me become your live-in servant?" I scoffed. I was actually offended.

One could argue that I should have known about them killing Theo's dad—I should have REALLY insisted upon getting to know them—before agreeing to be their girlfriend. Some of the stuff I knew about them had quietly set off a few alarm bells, but not enough that I'd wanted to dig deeper, at the time.

Still—call me naive—but nobody meets someone and expects them to confess one day that they killed their father. I feel like I asked appropriate normal, questions, and then took a good amount of time before committing to a relationship.

I'm not stupid, and I don't trust easily, as they should be well aware of by now.

"Probably not," Theo smirked, wrapping me in his huge arms.

"Definitely not!" I pushed hard against his chest, backing away from him. He reached for me again, but I just barely dodged him, stepping aside quickly. I jogged to the other side of the couch, still pissed off and really, really trying to not be turned on by him chasing me while my shirt was off.

"Unless you secretly want us to knock you up." He lunged forward, and I backed up...right into an end table. In the half second it took for me to balance myself again, he'd already closed the distance and tugged me into his chest. He grabbed my face and pulled me in for a searing, possessive kiss.

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