47. Ana

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"Zachary!!! Oh my God, hi!" I exclaimed, a little flustered, but genuinely happy to see him. He was shitty in bed, and Theo and Liam hated him on principle, but he was always so sweet to me.

"Hey! God, I've been wondering about you! I haven't talked to you in—what, six months? Now I, uh, see...why," he joked, extending his hand towards Liam. Liam reluctantly shook it, flashing him a weak smile.

"Liam," he grunted stiffly, placing his hand on my shoulder. A rather possessive move for a roommate, if I do say so myself...

Theo stepped forward, keeping one hand on my other shoulder as he extended the other hand towards Zachary.

Very smooth, guys. I'm sure Zachary doesn't suspect a thing.

"Theo. Nice to meet you....?"

"Zachary," I repeated to him, rolling my eyes. As if they didn't know his name and likely also his face by now. "Zachary is...an old friend. And Theo and Liam are..." I paused for a few seconds, widening my eyes quizzically at Liam and Theo. They stared at me blankly, offering me no help on how I should label them. I was way too fucking drunk for this right now.

"...They're myyyyy roommates," I finished lightly, with an awkward shrug. Zachary's eyebrows shot up. Liam and Theo's hold on my shoulders got a little firmer.

"Roommates, really? So you moved out of your mom's house? Never thought I'd see the day you'd willingly move away from Aaliyah," Zachary exclaimed, subtly eyeing Liam and Theo.

"Uh, yeah... Uh. Well, Aaliyah is dating someone now, so I figured I needed to...branch out. Meet some new people. And, um. Yep. That's how I met these two here. We just...clicked. Pretty much immediately. Three peas in a pod." I forced a chuckle. "So, anyways—"

"That's wonderful! I'm excited for you, Ana. Can't imagine what your family thinks about you living with two guys, though," he laughed. I winced. Liam stepped closer to me, pressed right up against my back. "How did they handle the move? I mean, I'm sure they're aware that you don't get into relationships, so at least they don't have to worry about th—"

"They're gay!" I blurted, my face burning. Why the fuck did I say that? "Theo and Liam are super gay." Why did I say "super gay"?? What the fuck does that even mean? "So. Ha. My family...they-they are totally...uh...totally c-cool with it," I stuttered. Zachary full-on stared at Theo and Liam for an uncomfortable amount of time after that.

Ok, it was probably about 2 seconds, but time suddenly seemed to be moving really slowly. I just wanted to get the fuck out of here.

"Huh. Wouldn't have guessed, honestly. So...are you two..?" Zachary asked them awkwardly.

"No," Theo answered dryly, at the same time Liam said, "Fuck no." And, my God, the fucking tones!!! They couldn't even try to sound friendly? I managed to be friendly to all their annoyingly perfect supermodel friends for months, like goddamn.

Zachary looked even more confused. And it's not like I needed to give him a reasonable explanation, but my margarita-addled brain just felt compelled to supply him with one.

"Yeah, we're all just friends. It's a...very dry household," I cringed even as I said it. When was I ever dry around these two, really? I was currently wearing a fucking butt plug to prep myself for double penetration with them. My face heated again, and I squirmed in both emotional discomfort and horniness. I seriously couldn't wait to see their faces when they saw—

"Oh!" Zachary nodded thoughtfully. "Ok, cool. I was wondering what the dynamic was... You guys seem really protective of her. That's really nice. Roommate-bodyguards," he chuckled lightly. I could see Zachary zeroing in on Liam and Theo's hands, digging into my shoulders. "Um, so do you want to get together some—"

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