A Distraction - Style

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Tw/Cw: self harm, abuse, trans male Kyle, deadnaming, misgendering, smut, mild sub/dom dynamic, unsafe sex, they're 19 in this one, multiple orgasms, spanking, eating out, idk dude I haven't slept today and I got bored.

It was another day for Kyle. Listening to his parents fight, hearing Ike cuss people out on his video game, the feeling of the flame from his lighter against his skin. It was never enough to set his skin ablaze, just enough for it to blister and char. It was his therapy, because his mom refused to let him get an actual therapist. She refused to even acknowledge that he was a boy. It was always "Sarah" and never "Kyle". If it weren't for his dad, he wouldn't even be able to dress masculine.

"Go fuck yourself, you dick sucking cunt!" He heard Ike yell into the mic connected to his headset. He sighed and set the lighter in his jacket pocket, next to the pack of cigarettes he kept. He found it ironic, how, when he was younger, he was an advocate for putting an end to smoking, and now it was one of the only things that kept him going. He was pulled from his thoughts when his phone vibrated in his back pocket. He pulled it out and turned it on, his mood instantly perking up when he saw it was a text from Stan.

💙Stanley💙: you wanna have a sleepover?

Kyle couldn't help the way his heart fluttered, his cheeks dusted with a soft pink color.

Of course dude, I'll be over in five. :Kyle

💙Stanley💙: sweet! I'll be waiting at the door 😌😌

Kyle giggled like the lovesick boy he was and got out of bed, lumbering over to his closet to get something actually comfortable. He grabbed an olive green turtleneck and some shorts to sleep in, and a pair of black skinny jeans to wear to Stan's place. He put the jeans on and, after grabbing a spare binder just to be safe, stuffed the clothes into his bag. He packed his phone charger and his meds, then left his room, walking to Ike's room while putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Hey, I'm going to Stan's, don't tell Mom." Ike took a break from his game to look at him. He gave a quick nod before going back to the screen. Kyle frowned slightly and sighed, walking downstairs. He was startled to see his mom on the couch, his father standing near the TV.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" Sheila asked, crossing her arms. She shot him a bone-chilling glare. Kyle felt a pulse of fear rush through him, but he ignored his mother and went to the door, putting his shoes on.

"Sarah, I won't ask again. Where do you think you're going?" She repeated, standing. Kyle opened the front door, getting so close to freedom, only for Sheila to grab him by the collar of his jacket and drag him back.

"Mom, stop it!" He yelled, wriggling around to escape her wrath. He was quickly shut up with a slap to the face. He was used to the sting, so he made no sound when her hand made contact with his face again.

"Sheila, dear, you're being too hard on him-" Gerald tried to interject, taking a step forward.

"She isn't going anywhere! She has homework!" She tried to excuse her behavior.

"Mom, please, I finished all my work and I studied for hours, please let go." Kyle kept his voice calm and quiet to avoid setting her off again. Sheila reluctantly let go of his jacket. He scrambled away from her, moving for the door so fast that she couldn't even yell at him before he was gone. She'd been doing this for years, he wasn't sure why he was shaking and on the verge of tears now. All he knew was that he wanted Stan. He made the five minute walk in under two with how fast he ran, practically bursting through his super best friend's door.

"Ky-" Stan tried, but he was knocked to the floor as Kyle tackled him into a hug. Stan managed to chuckle, wrapping his arms around him. He looked at him with a grin, but it faltered when he noticed that he was trembling.

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