A quick note (regards requests)

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Hey everyone, I apologize for my absence here, life has been a lot to handle here lately and it's been hard to work on all the requests I've received.

This is a PSA that unless your requests specify what genre you'd like at the very least, or if you find it too hard to specify when I do ask you what you'd like, I'm not going to write it. Most of you have done an excellent job at getting back to me and answering my necessary questions, but there are occasions where some do not further evaluate their wants. Until I am given better specifics than just the ship that is desired, I am not going to add the request to my list of projects. This makes my job easier, and I apologize if I did not make this clear at the beginning. I am going to graciously request that from now on, requests include the genre (angst, fluff, smut, or any other that you deem necessary to specify), and at least a broad plotline. This makes my job of writing your desires much easier.

For fluff: fluff and fluffy concepts do not come to me easily, as it is not my usual motif. I would appreciate if it is specified what kind of fluff you're searching for, whether it be a slow burn, cuddles, a date, comfort, etc.

For angst: angst comes to me naturally, so there are less specifications I need, but I would like to know what kind you're wanting particularly, not only so I can write it to best match your wants, but also so I know how detailed I should be and what trigger warnings I should list.

For smut: smut is also difficult for me to write, I've never particularly experienced anything of the sort, but I know that the way I write it is extremely unrealistic. I'm aware. I'd appreciate it if kinks (if any) are either included in the request or later PMed to me.

Regarding everything, if there are headcanons you'd also like to be included in the oneshots, regardless if it's one that o have or not, please ask for it. I will happily include any detail you think would add to the plotline.

I apologize for the long rant-ish kind of update, but I felt this was important. Thank you for understanding my dear readers.


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