Be Mine - Creek

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Cw: many sexual innuendos, they're both 22 for clarification, Clyde being a disgusting pervert, briefly. Enjoy!

Craig fumbled for his pack of cigarettes, his palms so sweaty he could barely hold it or the lighter. He was wearing a navy blue, satin long sleeve, an assortment of planets and stars gilding it with a shimmering hue. He had solid black corduroy pants to pair with it. In his pockets, he had his phone, his wallet, and a small, velvet box. He was waiting for Tweek to finish his shower, so they could go on their date. He placed the filter end of the cigarette in his mouth, and lit the other end, inhaling the toxic smoke.

"Babe, it's been twenty minutes." The monotonous man spoke, checking to be sure the outline of the ring box wasn't visible. He wished he could wear tighter pants and appear more sophisticated, especially on this kind of occasion. He had been planning this for a month, trying to sneak his boyfriend's ring size, making sure he chose a day where neither of them had work, saving up money in a way that kept Tweek from figuring it out. His blond partner was highly intelligent, which, while it was a trait that he admired dearly, he also found it annoying and stressful when he was trying to keep his plans in the shadows.

"I just have to fix my shirt and tame my hair a little bit, then we can go starlight." Tweek smiled from his place in front of the bathroom mirror. Craig, who was waiting for him outside the bathroom, blushed from the pet name. Tweek rarely used them, and it always caught the ravenette off guard. He sighed shakily. He didn't get this nervous the first time he let Tweek top. He had planned everything intricately. Where they would go, what they would do, and when he would finally pull the ring out and ask the question. Nothing could go wrong. He inhaled more smoke.

"Alright Craig, are you ready?" The blond cheered, holding his hands together in front of him. It was their anniversary today, so he was notably excited. They had broken up in fifth grade, since they were so young when they started to pretend to date. It was their senior year of high school when they realized how much they missed and loved each other. That was exactly four years ago now.

"I'm always ready to see you, coffee cake." The taller man replied, waiting impatiently to get a glimpse at his always beautiful boyfriend. When Tweek finally left the bathroom, Craig had to consciously prevent himself from drooling and pouncing on him right then and there. The blond was adorned in a skintight, caramel colored turtleneck with black overalls shorts. He had black, knee high socks paired with ankle high, platform boots, making him almost Craig's height. Tweek wasn't short without platforms, standing at five foot ten, but Craig was about six foot four, leaving a prominent height difference despite Tweek's average height.

"You're fucking beautiful." Craig managed to keep the lustful growl out of his tone. He practically had hearts in his eyes as he looked his lover up and down, taking in each and every detail. The mole on Tweek's inner thigh, the way his lightly freckled nose scrunched up from the chilly air in their apartment, how he couldn't get on of the overall straps to stay clicked over his shoulder, how one sock was tugged just over his knee and the other rested just beneath, the tattoo of his zodiac constellation that spanned down the outer side of his left thigh.

"Shut up, moondust." Tweek blushed, looking to the side to recollect himself. Craig looked just as beautiful. He never had a lot of self control, so he couldn't help but wrap his arms around his waist and tug him close, pressing a searing kiss to his waiting lips. Craig returned the favor with just as much aggression. He pulled away once Tweek whined, causing the blond man to pout.

"After our date, sweetheart." Craig promised, kissing the tip of his nose. He interlaced his fingers with Tweek's and walked him to the car, opening the door for him. Tweek grinned at the romantic gesture. Craig shut the passenger door and walked around the front of the car, getting into the driver's seat. He started the car, then hooked his phone up on the aux cord. He put their playlist on and began to drive.

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