Affection is Pain - Creek

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Tw: sexual situation, talking about sexual assault/rape, describing a meltdown

Requested by Plastic_Container, I tried to keep it fluff, but I think I went too angsty with it. I tried my best, and I hope you like it!

Craig smiled fondly at his boyfriend, Tweek, who was resting comfortably in his lap and twirling inky strands of hair between his fingers. They rarely had time to bask in each other's presence anymore, with Tweek always working and Craig slaving through college to get his aerospace engineering degree. His dream was to live among the stars, but he would be much happier getting to build space crafts and remain at his partner's side.

They were nineteen now, still living with Craig's parents so Craig could keep putting his money into school and not leave Tweek with paying rent alone. They made it work; they made rules (that Thomas and Laura both respected) in order to keep some privacy. Everyone was happy and less stressed with the situation; Tweek and Craig both were thankful to have some extra help.

Craig was resting against the headboard of his bed, his arms snug around his boyfriend's thin waist. The room was enveloped in darkness aside from the light emitting from the smart TV, the sound of Alec Benjamin gracing their ears and adding to the serenity. There was rain beating down on the bedroom window, and Tweek flinched at the sound of rumbling thunder in the distance.

A new song began to play, and Tweek sat up to look Craig in the eyes. He was silent for a moment, seeming to be pondering something with every ounce of concentration that he could spare. Craig watched him with growing anticipation, unsure how to feel. Should he be concerned? Maybe Tweek was thinking of something dark and worrisome, but maybe he was trying to come up with something sweet to say.

"Honey, I um..." the blond started, shifting his hips so he was straddling his lover. Craig raised an eyebrow, his hands shifting to hold Tweek's waist. He watched the thin man turn red, even in the darkness, and weasel his lower lip between his coffee stained teeth. He could feel something poking against his thigh, and assumed it was Tweek's phone.

"What's up, babe?" He asked softly, shifting his leg so Tweek's phone wasn't jabbing into his skin. Tweek's eyes went wide, digging his canines into his lip to muffle a whine. Craig frowned with worry, one hand leaving his boyfriend's waist to cup his cheek instead.

"What's wrong?" He spoke, his tone more firm than before. Tweek puffed his cheeks out with a heavy exhale and shifted his hips again, rubbing his erection against Craig just enough for the noirette to get the point.

"I have an, erm, issue, and I kind of wanted you to he-help with it." The blond's voice cracked with a harsh jerk of his head, his anxiety starting to close in around his pounding heart.

"Oh." Craig's frown deepened. He looked at the side to think of how to approach the situation. The last time he said 'no' to a man asking for sex, he was forced. Would Tweek do the same? He trusted his partner more than anything, but would he even be able to have sex again, when his first time was taken by the violence in this world?

Tweek didn't know about the assault; he didn't want him to know either. He knew very well that his boyfriend was capable of murder, and the thin man's presence was the only thing that kept Craig from ending his life that day.

"We don't have to, b-baby." Tweek spoke up after a moment of silence. He could see overwhelming anxiety building in Craig's eyes, and he knew from just the look he held that he did not want to; he would never force his lover into something he didn't want.

"I can t-take care of it myself." He promised, cupping the stressed man's face with both hands.

Craig nodded, flinching away from the touch. He was doing so well, forgetting it, getting rid of the feeling of Cartman's hands off of his skin, and now he was remembering and feeling everything all over again.

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