The Bond Betrayal Creates - Twyle

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Cw/tw: infidelity (caught having sex), fist fight between exes, brief description of injuries, sexual innuendos, I've barely slept in 4 days so definitely going to be some I missed, please point out typos

Tweek and Kyle couldn't believe what they were seeing. This was supposed to be a double date, something to fix the rivalry between the couples. Instead, they saw their boyfriends in bed, clothes strewn across the floor, and the air so full of moans that it nearly suffocated Tweek, who was frozen with shock. His mouth was agape and his eyes filled with tears. Kyle was silently crying, his brows furrowing with rage. Their hands abandoned their bags, and the sound of them hitting the floor grabbed their partners' attention.

"After everything we've been through Stan, this is how you repay me?! By sleeping with some prick?!" The redhead screamed, his hands squeezing into constricting fists. The bed stopped creaking, and Stan rushed to get off of Craig.

"I-I can't believe you. How could you do this to me? To us, Craig?" Tweek whispered, his voice full of hurt. He looked down at his feet and covered his mouth with one hand to silence his cries. It wasn't supposed to go like this. They were supposed to stay in the hotel for a few days to finally fix things between them. They weren't supposed to lose their soulmates.

"Baby, please-"

"Save it Stan! We're done, you hear me?! It's over!" Kyle yelled, pulling the silver band off of his finger and throwing it at his once fiancé.

"I hate you!" Kyle grabbed his bag and turned around, storming out; he couldn't stand to look at the naked men for another second.

"Tweek, honey." Craig tried, but Tweek let out a strangled sob.

"We're over. I let you in, I let you see the most vulnerable parts of me, parts I couldn't even show myself until I met you, and you have the audacity to do this to me." Tweek's head jerked to the side before he looked up, and his eyes no longer held a pained gaze in them. Instead, they were filled with a raging, sapphire blaze that reflected the anger of a thousand men.

"Delete my number, delete my pictures, erase my existence from your life, because it's clear I didn't matter enough to you." Tweek grabbed his things and left, leaving the two heartbroken raveonettes to question their choices.

Tweek caught up with Kyle in the lobby, where he was sitting down in a chair with his head in his hands. The blond sat next to him and hesitantly placed a hand on his shoulder, but he recoiled his arm at the feeling of him flinching.

"Let's get a coffee... coffee makes everything better." Tweek suggested. Kyle shrugged and eventually pulled himself out of the chair. He took a few steps towards the door before looking back at Tweek, who was watching him like a neglected puppy.

"Well, come on. Coffee, right?" Kyle barked out. The harsh tone had Tweek obediently standing and following him like a second shadow.

The coffee shop's walls were a cozy shade of brown with caramel colored swirls adorning them. The floors were made of linoleum and unbearably shiny, with round tables and comfortable chairs checkering it. There were very few people inside, and there wasn't a line in sight.

Tweek subconsciously grabbed Kyle's hand with one of his own while chewing his nails off of the other. Kyle's muscles bunched up for a moment before relaxing again, holding the other man's hand comfortingly.

"Sorry, just... new places." Tweek managed around his fingers. Kyle nodded in understanding and walked him to the cash register.

"Hello, what can I get for ya?" An enthusiastic blonde cheered out.

"I'll take a mocha with one espresso shot, and make it hot." Kyle started, then looked at Tweek.

"What do you want?"

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