Memories from Another (Old)

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"How could you do this to me..?"

[ I'm sorry, but you would be too over powered if you had any more powers. We need it to be interesting afterall! ]

Something sounding like laughter came from the tab (that's what I've decided to call the 2d red box) and it felt like Symstia was laughing in my face.

[ Plus, you're able to control all Vie, isn't that enough? You can also learn others backstories even though they're simplified. ]

[ And you can even hear the memories of the previous owner, I think you're already better off than most reincarnators. ]

"I guess you're right. I was just expecting a more epic power like reading minds, or telekinesis or something." I sighed. "Wait. Did you say all kinds of Vie?!"

My head perked up to look at the tab above me.

[ Yes? ]

"AH! THANK YOU." I snickered to myself, "This is basically just telekinesis...hehe."

I cleared my throat after getting the feeling that Symstia was looking at me weirdly.

"Anyways, can you show me the previous owner's memories? What was her name anyway?"

[ Sure, and coincidentally your names are actually the was intriguing when I learned your name. ]

"Oh, I guess that makes things for me easier then? Um...then can you show me Xingyue's memories?"

[ Starting... 12% ]










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[ WARNING: This story contains violence, death, and su*c*de. Please do not learn from any of the characters. Scroll to bottom to see the summary]

[ Loading story...] I choose to be alive?
Her face, not a wrinkle to be seen, appears in my mind. Her gorgeous hair. Her everything. Her soft hands, bringing me tea.

How could I ever forget such a face?


She betrayed me.

And never looked back.

Tears flowed from Yuxi's face, falling onto her blistered hands.

How could I have expected her to feel the same way? How pathetic...

"Ha...I haven't cried like this since-"

Yuxi, Age 16
My father forgot my birthday again. But he never forgets my mistakes...

Yuxi touched the bruises on her arms.

At least. At least now, I don't have to worry about impressing him anymore. From today on, I'll do what I want, and not do things just to impress that fleabag.

Yuxi smiled.

She joined an archery class, not only to pursue her passions but to meet new friends. She met two nice twins.

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