Idol Lina Falls "Asleep" (Old)

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Finally finished.

The crowd bursts into applause and I smile brightly, sweat dripping down my forehead.

After the show ends, I go back to my room, looking at myself in the mirror.

A beautiful dress I'd just danced in, was covered with detailed prints and the length reached my knees.

Ah... I..?

I've felt abnormally tired these past few days, but somehow, is today worse?

I take off my dress and stare at my still makeup covered face.

If I weren't to tell anyone, everyone could be fooled.

A blonde haired girl, with blue eyes. A popular idol from Asia, a pretty girl who can dance and sing. That's who I am...publicly at least.

I honestly don't know how I've fooled everyone so far...

I smile.

Sometimes I thought they'd already knew, they just didn't bring it up. That thought comforts me a bit.

If they were to find out...would they still listen to my songs the same? Would I lose all of my fans?

"I'm so hungry..."

My normal voice comes out hoarse and deeper than the one I use as "Lina" and it shocks me.

"Wow, I haven't talked normally in so long, it feels so weird." And refreshing.

I put on some casual wear and stare at the dress hanging on the door. Glittery like the night sky, it's layered with five layers. Each a different shade of an elegant blue. Wearing the dress just makes me happy, it feels beautiful.

I wonder when this had started.

I've been an idol for so long, I can barely remember when I first wanted to wear dresses or even sing.

Perhaps I'd always wanted to.

But it was so confusing?

I felt like a freak.

A guy who likes to wear dresses.

I sigh and take the accessories out of my hair.

I feel my strength slowly fading away.

What's happening?


My consciousness fades, and I fall on my head.

Is this really the end for me?

But I don't want to die?

I haven't even been in a relationship yet?

Can I please, at least,

get one more chance to love?


Singing of the birds outside the window wakes me up, a warm and heavy quilt covers my body, and I open my eyes.

Where am I?

I look around the room.

Every inch is covered with expensive material. I look around to find that I'm in a very weird looking room.

I couldn't quite describe it. Whether it was a traditional building or a futuristic one.

All of the tech was pretty futuristic, screens being replaced with hologram-like things. But the room was just like a regular modern room. At least the inside was.

Outside the window, I could see buildings that were styled with beautiful designs you could see from ancient times, which confused me.


I suddenly realized that I'd completely forgot that I wasn't even in the room I was before.

"Where am I?"

"Your royal highness," The doors open, and in comes a tall butler, carrying two plates, while a maid follows behind with a cart of them.

"Your favorite."

They set a bed table on my lap, and set a plate on it. The food covered half the plate, it was way more than I usual ate. Matter of fact, I don't think I ate anything for the past week, actually, did I even eat this entire month?

The food looked so good, I just couldn't resist.

Ah but I'll gain weight...

I stare at the food with the utensils in hand.

Wait, I have bigger matters to attend to. Who are they? And who am I?

Wait, if this isn't my body, wouldn't it be okay just to take one bite? It wouldn't affect me back at home right?

I move my fork which I wasn't quite used to, but I stuck it into the meat, gobbling it up it one bite.

"Oh wow! Your highness must be starving. Should I get more?"

I could feel my cheeks flushing, I was embarrassed. I stared at my now empty plate, fidgeting with my hands nervously.

"No, it's okay."

I wasn't hungry anymore, but it just tasted so good. What did they even put in this anyway?

I ate food off the remaining plates, and as they left, a game-like tab appeared before me.

It piqued my interest, and I read the words written on it.

[ Name: Lixin
  Special abilities: All types of Vie manipulation, able to shapeshift.
  From the royal family.
  Mission: Kiss the love interest
  Complete the mission to go home.
  Twirl five times and wink, while chanting 'Princess' to summon some help! ]

"Okay, besides the fact that this feels like a game, what is that cringe way of asking for help?"

I face palm, and bite my lip.

Whatever, it's not like I need help now anyway. I'll just leave it for later. I've played video games before so this shouldn't be too hard.

So I've reincarnated I supposed into Lixin... which is oddly my real name.

What have I read with a character named Lixin?

And I can shape shift...?

Oh sh-

Oh this is not good.

I'm reincarnated as the main character in such a dangerous novel?!

But why couldn't they have chosen a fluffy love story instead?

...Don't they both die at the end?

"Did they set me up just to die?" I whined, but I quickly regained my composure and smiled. "It's okay. I'll just quickly find the love interest and get out of here."

I got out of bed and put on some clothes I found on the bed, the butler must've brought those in before.

"Right! I'm such a genius..."

"Uh...what does the love interest look like again?"

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