Dear Father (Old)

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After witnessing the tragic end of Yuxi's story, I couldn't help but feel anger and pity for her. Her father was a horrible one at that, neglecting her and not even treating her well.

Some of her memories reminded me of my own. Of course, my story isn't nearly as tragic.

"Symstia? Do you want to hear a story?"

[ Sure? ]

"When I was little, my father and mother loved each other, very, very much."

[ ? ]

"And you must be thinking, why is this relevant?"

I picked at the food I found laying near my front door. In the past hour I spent, trying to figure out when I'd reincarnated, I got hungry. So after figuring out when by asking around, I found that An was no longer alive, and 'I' died as well.

Thankfully, no one had found 'my' body yet, so nothing was too troublesome. They seemed indifferent to my appearance in the kitchen. Maybe a few whispers regarding my recent 'locking myself in my room for a year or two' thing.

[ What's with the pause? ]

"Sorry, I just haven't really told anyone I'm a bit nervous.

"-My parents loved each other. I don't remember much since I was just a toddler."

I bit my lip as my leg bounced.

"She died by disease, leaving my dad to take care of me on his own. I honestly don't blame him much for treating me the way he did now that I'm older."

"He was young, just turned 21. He was still in college. At the start, he tried his best. Feeding me everything. But as he drank more and more, he became an alcoholic, always returning home drunk after getting back from work.

-he would even sometimes hit me. Rarely, but you get what I mean."

I sighed.

"When I was a teen, he found someone else, and my stepmom gave birth to my brother. My brother was treated so well, I guess I felt jealous. So I rebelled and left my dad."



"Anyways!" I said in a more cheery tone, "sorry for venting, I was just going to say that I sort of get what she felt, and I want to enact revenge."

[ It's fine, you know you can always count on me, even though I'm not even human. ]

"Oh Symstia, you don't need to be human to have friends. From now on, we're best buddies!"

I smiled in a random direction because I wasn't quite sure where Symstia even was.

"From the novel, I'm pretty sure the duke is a arrogant and nasty bastard anyway. That way I won't feel guilty of stripping him of his title."

I started to list off ideas, scribbling some ideas down on a random piece of paper I found. The paper here was much thinner, but it was able to scroll, which I thought was cool. It was like a tablet, except it's paper.

The pen didn't actually have any ink, but it turned whatever color is supposed to when it touched the paper. It couldn't draw on my skin, but I think there might be separate pens for that.

"We could kill him? Take all his organs and blend it in a blender?"

"Or cut off his balls and stitch his mouth shut? Or we could cut off his limbs and feed him to lions? Or!"

[ Are you actually going to do these ideas? ]

"No, they're too mild."

[ Mild?! ]

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