six - this sucks, doesnt it?

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what just happened.

I thought, as freddy started speaking to us through what I assume is gregorys fazwatch.

"Well done you two, you found a security office! you should be quite safe here." freddy exclaimed.

"The doors were designed to keep our highly-trained security staff safe in the need of an emergency. as long as the doors stay closed, which they will, as long as there is ample power.." freddy says.

"What happens if the doors open?" I mumble in shock as me and gregory start to panic.

"freddy! the power is only at 15%, and they're pounding on the door!" gregory said, alarmed.

"How are we gonna get out of here?" I worried.

"Do not panic. you two should see an interface on the security desk. hold on while i will make it accesable to you guys." freddy said.

what if they came in? what if they just broke the door? nah, they aren't that strong.

"There. You both can now activate security protocols." freddy spoke once again.

I pushed gregory out of the way because he didn't seem to know what to do and pressed the red button shaped like freddy.

it turned green as freddy started speaking.

"Gregory, your fazwatch is now connected to the security camera system. check the map on your fazwatch." freddy spoke to gregory.

as gregory checked the map, I looked at the fazwatch as well to see a room full of boxes with grey and orange walls. I mean, at least they're not purple.

"These boxes on your mini map are nearby security cameras. when movement is detected by the cameras motion sensors, you should see red alert icons."

gregory switched from camera to camera and saw chica walking.. bro.. are you kidding me.

and he switched cameras again to see monty pounding on the door. great.

what would happen if monty broke the door.. i mean, monty is strong, but is he strong enough to break a metal door??

"Switch from the cameras to find a way out of the office and to the main lobby." freddy explained.

I really, really didn't feel like doing this.

neither did I want to, yet I had to.

why couldn't we just have stayed in freddys room the whole time? it would've made things so much easier..

I sighed as we went out a door that I assumed randomly appeared, and we walked past some more boxes. what are these boxes even filled with? why so many boxes everywhere?

we walked some more and found the place gregory was looking at on his fazwatch through the cameras.

we saw shelves with boxes.. more boxes.. and- wait, is that chica? why am I even surprised? she's everywhere. literally gotta keep an eye out for chica.

(gotta keep an eye out for selener)

we crouched and walked slightly behind her, but still a good distance to where she wouldn't see us.

we turned a corner and saw chica eating even more trash. why does she like trash so much?? what does it even taste like?? if it's THAT good, then Chica better hand some over.

Time skip bc I'm not writing this shit

we ran out more red colored doors, and the intercom started talking.

"Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizza Plex is now closed. initiating night-time
protocols." the intercom spoke.


this sucks doesn't it..



IM SO HAPPY I FINALLY GOT A CHAPTER DONE!! DID YOU GUYS LIKE IT? sorry I've been actually so busy so I haven't really had any free time. I'm moving to a new house currently so when that stuff is done I'm gonna have a lot of free time, and that means more chapters :)!!

cya later!!:):)

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