seven - i want a break

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this sucks doesn't it?

we're my exact thoughts as I looked over to the exit doors, seeing them closing slowly but fast at the same time.

"No, no! wait! we're still here!" gregory yelled, running up to the doors, me walking behind him not bothering to run, seeing as the doors were already closed.

"now what are we supposed to do?" gregory sighs as I walk up beside him.

"Not sure. maybe just kill ourselve-"

"How unfortunate. you both missed your chance, but there is still hope." freddy spoke.

"You should be able to escape when the security doors reopen at 6:00am. until then, keep moving and try not to draw attention to yourselves. if there is another way out, I will help you guys find it. I promise." freddy reassured us.

I just started following gregory because he started walking to who knows where, because I was confused, and didn't know where tf I was going.

why didn't we just leave earlier? it would've made things so much easier.

we walked past a wet floor bot and up to a table with a cardboard cutout of chica, monty, freddy, and roxanne. it said, 'Get a complimentary entry pass!'

and on a table in front of it was indeed an entry pass.

we collected the pass and walked over to the small door things.

"Well done, superstars! you have accessed the lobby. unfortunately, that complimentary pass does not allow you to enter the pizzeria."

"You can find an upgrade machine un customer service." freddy said through gregorys fazwatch.

I sighed as we started walking to wherever customer service was, as Chica kept annoyingly saying,    "Your family is looking for you!"

we walked through a door that said "glamrock gifts" and were met with tons of merch on the glamrocks and other animatronics.

we walked some more, and down and up some stairs and finally found the 'free gift.'

"freddy! we found the free gift!" I said, slightly smiling.

"it's a crappy Mr. Hippo fridge magnet? lame." gregory rolled his eyes as I took it from his hands and looked at it.

"I think it's cool." I said, slightly whispering, still looking at the so-called 'lame magnet'.

"I am sorry, (Y/N) and gregory. I truly am." freddy apologized.

time skip (I'm sorry, I hate time skips too, but like idk what to put here)

we put the complimentary entry ticket into this weird machine and waited slightly impatient.

"It ate our pass!" gregory yelled.

I thought for a moment, wondering what to do, before I got an idea

"wait, let me try the hippo magnet!" I said as I pulled the magnet out of my hoodie pocket and used it on the machine.

( 1, sorry if u don't wanna wear a hoodie. 2. idk how tf the magnet got them a daycare pass, so..)

"Yes! the magnet scrambled the machine!" I exclaimed, excited.

"Aw, man. now it's some kind of daycare pass?" gregory huffed.

"You're so ungrateful. just accept the stupid daycare pass." I side eyed him.

"Shut up." he pushed me playfully, slightly smiling.

"That is great news! I will meet you in the daycare. the entrance is on the second floor balcony." freddy said, happy to be at the daycare.

I sighed, wanting to just sit down and take a break.

i sighed for the millionth time today.

I want a break.


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